In the last few decades scientists and nutritionists have been adamant about the positive effects breast-feeding has on the physical and mental development of children. They have proven that lactating mothers are able to give their infants immunities they have built up themselves, and the protein from the milk is higher than what can be produced from synthetic formulas. Studies are now showing that children who have been breast-fed are quicker to develop their spatial and cognitive skills, as opposed to those who are bottle fed synthetic formula, as well.

Scientific studies in Poland in the 1970s identified a complex protein called colostrinin, derived from colostrum, the fluid produced in mammals during the last stages of pregnancy and a few days after birth, aids in the regulation of the immune system as well as in the development of precognitive properties. It has also recently shown to have positive effects on memory development in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

A report in Pharmacology Biochemical Behavior stated that the Institute of Pharmacoloyg, Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow tested rats using colostrinin. Although younger rats did not appear to have any changes, considerable improvement in spatial and incidental learning tasks was shown in elderly rate after being dosed with colestrinin. This gives hope that Colostrinin may improve memorizing and cognitive abilities by encouraging the early postnatal development of brain placticity.

Colostrinin’s potential as a cognitive enhancer is fairly well-documented. In other studies, preparations from bovine (cow) colostrum have shown possible effectiveness against various illnesses including neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, viral infections, and ailments associated with an overactive immune system, (allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases). Some recent research has also indicated the possibility of fighting obesity.

Findings seem to suggest that Colostrinin treatment may control the formation of genes that are involved in the development, maintenance, and regeneration of neurons in the central nervous system. This may also explain the improvements observed in Alzheimer’s patients with mild-to-moderate dementia during treatment with Colostrinin.

A study conducted at the University of Texas Medical Branch, and published online in March 2008 in the International Archives of Allergy and Immunology showed that Colostrinin is non-allergenic and can prevent allergic inflammation due to common indoor and outdoor allergens.

Colostrinin has been shown to be an all-natural protection for the brain, and to help in the maintenance of normal mental function by promoting healthy brain ageing. Tests are showing positive results in treatment for memory enhancement and cognitive skills in developing children as well as aging adults, and could be a breakthrough in the treatment of dementia that scientists have been looking for.


Sources: – Colostrinin proline-rich polypeptide complex from ovine colostrum–a long-term study of its efficacy in Alzheimer’s disease: – Colostrinin Polypeptide in Early Milk Facilitates Learning and Memory in Rats:

Wikipedia –

Pharmacology Biochemical Behavior, 1999 Sep;64(1):183-9