
Not On My Watch SEAL Leadership


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and  Ron White  memory guy shares lessons taken from TC Cummings Mind of a US Navy SEAL program on taking ownership of responsibility in order to be a good leader. While working with former U.S. Navy SEAL,  T.C. Cummings, on our leadership workshop –“Think Like A U.S. Navy [...]

Not On My Watch SEAL Leadership2016-10-22T09:06:29+00:00

SEALs Use Tough Love To Build Leaders


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and  Ron White memory guy shares his thoughts on the use of “Tough Love” to build leaders. My friend and memory training coach, T.C. Cummings, is a former U.S. Navy SEAL. He has brought some powerful insights into our “Think Like A U.S. Navy SEAL” workshops, and shows [...]

SEALs Use Tough Love To Build Leaders2016-10-22T09:06:29+00:00

Fundamentals of Leadership – As Taught By A Navy SEAL


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory-training expert and Ron White memory guy shares fundamentals of leadership from TC Cummings Mind of a US Navy SEAL program “Virtually every company will be going out and empowering their workers with a certain set of tools, and the big difference in how much value is received from that will [...]

Fundamentals of Leadership – As Taught By A Navy SEAL2016-10-22T09:06:29+00:00

Navy SEALS Teach Professional Humility


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote speaker Ron White shares his thoughts on professional humility and how important it is to a leader. One major point my friend and mentor, former US Navy SEAL  T.C. Cummings, emphasizes in his leadership workshops it the importance of professional humility. The following lesson is [...]

Navy SEALS Teach Professional Humility2016-10-22T09:06:27+00:00

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares lessons from TC Cummings' Mind of a Navy SEAL program: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” - Jim Rohn (American speaker and author) My friend and mentor, former Navy SEAL T.C. Cummings, has a great definition for discipline – “It’s [...]

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday2016-10-22T09:06:29+00:00

Navy SEALs Learn To Adapt, Improvise and Overcome


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory-training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares lessons learned from former Navy SEAL TC Cummings as he taught his Mind of a SEAL program on how U.S. Navy SEALs use their training techniques to teach discipline that can carry through life. The following is taken from TC Cummings' Mind of [...]

Navy SEALs Learn To Adapt, Improvise and Overcome2016-10-22T09:06:30+00:00

Attaining Self-Discipline – The Navy SEAL Technique


Ron White memory guy, Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory-training expert and memory keynote, shares lessons from TC Cummings Mind of a SEAL program on how discipline techniques can carry over from U.S. Navy SEAL training to everyday life. Take a look around you at the people you admire in business. What sets them apart from [...]

Attaining Self-Discipline – The Navy SEAL Technique2016-10-22T09:06:30+00:00

Focus And You Can Achieve “Mission Accomplished”


My name is Ron White. I am a two-time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert, and memory keynote speaker. I want to take this opportunity to tell you how proud I am of our Navy Seals, and our country, in light of the recent mission to find and eliminate Osama Bin Ladin’s reign of terrorism. As a nation, and around the world, people are in awe of the discipline, focus and heroism of this elite group of men who were able to accomplish something that has been elusive for almost ten years.

Focus And You Can Achieve “Mission Accomplished”2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00

Empowerment Of A True Leader Like a Navy SEAL


I am Ron White, Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote speaker. I would like to share with you some of the things I learned from my good friend and trainer, former U.S. Navy Seal T.C. Cummings, about empowerment, accountability and leadership T.C. has been able to let me in on Navy Seal thinking, and how it can relate to aspects of all of our lives. Navy Seal training is disciplined, focused and results driven. Each member of the Seal team is a leader, and although they are military and retain a chain of command, each member is capable of picking up the gauntlet when necessary and assumes the leadership role.

Empowerment Of A True Leader Like a Navy SEAL2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00

A Leader Knows How To Respect, Delegate, Relegate and Encourage Like a Navy SEAL


I am Ron White, Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote speaker. I would like to pass on to you some valuable information my good friend and coach, former Navy Seal T.C. Cummings, has taught me about the traits of an effective leader. Navy Seal training includes ensuring that each member of the team is a leader in his own right. Due to the dangerous nature of jobs they do, each Seal must be able to take the reins of leadership at any time in order to complete the mission, and help any surviving member of the team to get out of the situation in safety.

A Leader Knows How To Respect, Delegate, Relegate and Encourage Like a Navy SEAL2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00