Monthly Archives: September 2011

Pictures for Letters


Often times you will need to memorize something that has letters in it. Remember that in order to memorize anything you are going to need a picture for it. So this is how I would turn letters into pictures. Please reference my memory palace page for all the steps in memorizing information A = apple [...]

Pictures for Letters2016-10-22T09:06:58+00:00

Condition When You Don’t Recognize Faces – Even your OWN!


Most of us have run into someone who knows us be we don’t remember them. It is embarrassing, but not uncommon. How would you feel if you NEVER could recognize people you know, even family members -or you OWN face? Many have trouble remembering names but what about remembering faces? Until the end of the [...]

Condition When You Don’t Recognize Faces – Even your OWN!2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

How Does Your Brain Process 3D?


Watching a movie in three-dimensions (3D) is pretty exciting, and it certainly makes the movie come to life, but don’t you wonder how our eyes and our brains process information when looking at the screen? In order to understand how a 3D image is processed you need to understand how 3D works. Your eyes only [...]

How Does Your Brain Process 3D?2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

Story Telling as a Memory Technique


Working memory is something you use when you only need information for a short period of time (short-term memory). An example would be when you are trying to call a service repair shop, you look up the number and repeat it to yourself until you dial the phone successfully. Since you probably won’t need it [...]

Story Telling as a Memory Technique2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

A Rare Glimpse At The Intimate Life of Albert Einstein


In July of 2006 letters Albert Einstein wrote were unsealed and the public received a rare glimpse into his private life of this unique individual. Einstein’s stepdaughter, Margot Einstein, held the private letters in her personal estate, and decreed they remain sealed until 20 years after her death. The letters contained information about a person [...]

A Rare Glimpse At The Intimate Life of Albert Einstein2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

Is Your Brain the Only Place Memories Are Stored?


Fiction writers have been injecting cell memory plots into their stories long before transplants were even done. Austrian director Maurice Renard's introduced the idea in his silent film in 1924 titled, Les Mains d'Orlac, where a pianist lost his hands and they were replaced with the hands of a killer. The pianist then became a [...]

Is Your Brain the Only Place Memories Are Stored?2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

Influx of Dopamine Released During Memory Training


A recent study published in the journal Science indicates the caudate region of the brain, located below the neocortex, is the recipient of particularly large amounts of dopamine during working memory training. This research hold up the findings of other studies that have associate working memory training to the release of dopamine to particular areas [...]

Influx of Dopamine Released During Memory Training2016-10-22T09:06:58+00:00

Plaque Build-Up in Alzheimer’s Patients Could Start in the Liver


According to the Alzheimer’s Association, nearly half of all Americans 85 years and older have Alzheimer’s disease or some form of dementia and memory loss, and almost 5.1 million Americans are believed to be directly affected by the disease. They project that, by the middle of the century, 11-16 million people aged 65 and over [...]

Plaque Build-Up in Alzheimer’s Patients Could Start in the Liver2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00