These memory strategies have been taught for years by the top memory training experts, and probably are nothing new to you, but can’t hurt to go over them again now, can it? They have withstood the test of time, and are designed to help you pass your test by improving your ability to recall the information you have learned, as well as improve your memory. 

1. Concentrate!!!  This is the probably the most important memory tip you will ever hear, and the one you need to get through the most. If you can’t focus your attention, and eliminate all the distractions that are taking place around you, you will not be able to transfer information you have learned from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. Unless this information is something you will never need again after tomorrow, it is not a good thing. Find a room or location that is quite and there are no distractions (no TV or radio), turn off your cell phone and take the iPod ear buds out of your ears. Outside noise or disruptions puts your brain in a state of confusion as to what is more important and makes it harder when you are trying to remember.

2. Don’t Procrastinate. Cramming for an exam at the last minute never works! You are not going to remember all the things your need to at the last minute what you should have working on encoding it in your memory all term. Studies have shown that processing information over time imprints it in your memory, and it stays there. Last minute cram sessions have never been successful in putting information there longer than short-term. If this is for a mid-term exam you are making yourself more work because you will just have to relearn it again before the final!

3. Have a System. Get organized, it makes it easier for your brain to retrieve it. Research has found that if you put information into an organized structure, like an outline, your brain will process this information in related clusters – making it easier to recall. Take your lesson and put it into groups of related topics, such as all things relating to the Crimean War should be listed under one heading, while all thing related to the Middle Ages should be under another. It’s easier to gather information when you filed it away in a system than if it’s in a pile of papers on the floor.

4. Use Memory Techniques. Memory tools, like mnemonics, make it easier to remember and recall information. Association is the most effective memory technique. Use funny, positive and zany associations between what you are trying to remember and something you are familiar with that you can put together. Something funny is always easier to remember than facts. Make up a joke, a song or a scene that can be acted out.

5. Review.  Memorizing is best done through repetition. Rehearse, and repeat until it is encoded in your brain. For example: if you want to learn the definition to a word read the definition, then go back and get a more detailed definition and example. By finding out different ways to look at the word you will be able to remember it better.

This is Ron White, two-time USA Memory Champion , memory training expert, and memory keynote speaker. Going over different and important ways to remember is important to memorization, and will definitely get you a better grade on your test.



Source: – Improving Memory – Top 10 Memory Improvement Tips, By Kendra Cherry: