memory expert

How to get Better Grades in School by Ron White


Ron White the National Memory Champion is always looking for additional ways to add value to his clients and customers. As a Keynote speaker and trainer for America's biggest and brightest minds both now and in the future his memory and accelerated learning techniques are second to none. Recently he started a new radio show on

How to get Better Grades in School by Ron White2016-10-22T09:06:04+00:00



What did that mean? Well, when you are memorizing a deck of cards in a tournament you are timed and the fastest that you can do it the better. Often times, I would find myself focusing on a card for several seconds to make sure that I had it in my brain.

TRUST YOUR MEMORY!!2016-10-22T09:06:02+00:00

How to Cross Train Your Brain


Brain exercises is good for keeping your mental faculty sharp. You should start by sorting the exercises according to which brain hemisphere you're toning. For most people, left-brain functions include logical analysis (reasoning), drawing, conclusions), information sequencing (making lists, organizing thoughts), language and speech, reading and writing, counting and mathematics, and symbol recognition. The right hemisphere gets involved in spatial tasks such as reading maps, staying oriented and finding our way, as well as in artistic and musical abilities, face recognition, depth perception, dreaming, emotional perception and sense of humor. In left-handed people, these hemispheric functions are reversed.

How to Cross Train Your Brain2016-10-22T08:53:06+00:00

Top Brain Foods


If you’re looking to improve your memory, reasoning and analytical skills then you’ve got to start with the basics, your diet. The typical American diet doesn’t exactly bolster high mental functioning; rather it serves to expand the ever growing waistlines of the masses. Just like your BMW motorcycle parts need gasoline to function, food is fuel for the human body and the type of fuel we put in our bodies has a direct influence on our overall performance, both mentally and physically. Avoiding certain “stupid” foods and stocking up on more cognizant choices will make a significant impact on your cerebral functioning.

Top Brain Foods2016-10-22T08:53:05+00:00

Ron White Memory Expert Gives Memory Tips


Trust your memory! One of the best tips I received from World Memory Champion Ben Pridmore was to trust my memory. I would tell him that I could memorize a deck of cards in about 2 minutes and I wanted to get faster. His advice to me was to trust my memory more. He said, ‘Go faster and just trust that your memory will remember it.’ That was precious advice to me as I became the national memory champion.

Ron White Memory Expert Gives Memory Tips2016-10-22T08:53:05+00:00

Can a young kid learn memory training?


A young boy named Jacob wanted my Nintendo and I told him that I couldn’t just give it to him that he had to earn it. I suggested he earn it by memorizing all the presidents of the USA. He shrugged his shoulders and say, ‘nevermind.’ I say, ‘Jacob, I can teach you how to do this.’ We spent the next hour or so memorizing the presidents using pieces of furniture in his home. He was shocked he could do it and elated to have the Nintendo.

Can a young kid learn memory training?2016-10-22T08:53:05+00:00