Moonwalking With Einstein

Joshua Foer Moonwalking With Einstein


Two Time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert and memory speaker Ron White shares his thoughts on Joshua Foer and the book Moonwalking with Eisntein I must confess when I first learned about the 2006 USA Memory Champion Joshua Foer the story was not told in the greatest light. From more than one person [...]

Joshua Foer Moonwalking With Einstein2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00

Memory Palace


Memory Training Speaker also know as the Memory Guy or Memory Expert Ron White shares with you what it means to build a memory palace: A memory palace is simply the method of loci but a phrase that sounds a lot cooler :) This is the core to memorizing anything. All the world class memory [...]

Memory Palace2016-10-22T09:06:17+00:00