
The Brain is What Makes Us Self-Conscious?


In a study published in the April 28, 2011 journal of Neuron, cognitive scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, and U.C. Berkeley identified a brain region called the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) as critical for establishing one’s particular place in space and perception of themselves (What is my place in the world?) There is [...]

The Brain is What Makes Us Self-Conscious?2016-10-22T09:07:05+00:00

What is Your Track Record?


Ron White, memory training expert, memory keynote, and two-time USA Memory Champion, would like to share with you lessons on confidence as taught through “Mind of a U.S. Navy SEAL” workshops. My friend and mentor, former U.S. Navy SEAL T. C. Cummings has offered a very beneficial lesson on building self-confidence. He asked the question: [...]

What is Your Track Record?2016-10-22T09:06:34+00:00