Monthly Archives: November 2014

Scientists Turn Bacteria Into DNA Tape Recorders


  By tinkering with its DNA, scientists have converted the common gut bacterium E. coli into the world’s smallest tape recorder. The newly designed microbes are engineered in such a way that they are capable of documenting and storing memories from their environment which can then be retrieved at a later date. The idea behind [...]

Scientists Turn Bacteria Into DNA Tape Recorders2016-10-22T09:26:49+00:00

12 Cool Experiments Done on the International Space Station


As an orbiting laboratory, the International Space Station (ISS) offers researchers around the world the unique opportunity to perform experiments in microgravity and under the rigors of the space environment. Scientists have used the station for everything from testing technology for future space exploration to studying human health. Sometimes their work involves some pretty unusual [...]

12 Cool Experiments Done on the International Space Station2016-10-22T09:26:49+00:00

World’s Second Largest Impact Crater Was Made by a Comet


Researchers have long puzzled over what created the giant, elliptical hole called the Sudbury Basin in Ontario, Canada. At 62 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, and 15 kilometers deep, it’s the second largest impact crater on the planet. Now, researchers studying the chemistry of the crater and its shattered rocks say it was made by [...]

World’s Second Largest Impact Crater Was Made by a Comet2016-10-22T09:26:49+00:00

A Single Kiss Can Transfer 80 Million Bacteria


  More than 100 trillion microbes live in our bodies, helping us digest food and stay healthy -- some 700 bacteria varieties live in our mouths alone. Now, researchers show that up to 80 million bacteria can be shared during just one French kiss, and couples who kiss each other nine times a day or [...]

A Single Kiss Can Transfer 80 Million Bacteria2016-10-22T09:26:49+00:00

10 Facts About the Internet’s Undersea Cables

2016-10-22T09:26:46+00:00 In describing the system of wires that comprises the Internet, Neal Stephenson once compared the earth to a computer motherboard. From telephone poles suspending bundles of cable to signs posted warning of buried fiber optic lines, we are surrounded by evidence that at a basic level, the Internet is really just a spaghetti-work of [...]

10 Facts About the Internet’s Undersea Cables2016-10-22T09:26:46+00:00

Gravity Saved the Universe After the Big Bang


During the accelerated expansion of the early universe, the production of the Higgs boson—the elementary particle responsible for giving mass to all particles—should have led to instability, followed by collapse. At least that’s what some recent studies suggest. But the universe didn’t collapse immediately after the Big Bang, and now researchers think they know why. [...]

Gravity Saved the Universe After the Big Bang2016-10-22T09:26:46+00:00