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About Ron White.

Ron White is the author of the original memory in 30 days program. Today you can find the updated version of this revolutionary program in his Black Belt Memory course. Ron first heard Harry Lorayne say ‘There’s no such thing as a bad memory only an untrained one’ over 3 decades ago. This wisdom from Harry sent Ron on a lifelong journey to improve his brain power and pass this knowledge on to people like you.

Over the years students have passed their exams, advanced in their careers, earned more sales and built their businesses all because they learned these techniques the Brain Athlete way. Are you next?

Empowering Learners Just Like YOU Around the World

Join a global community of passionate learners dedicated to expanding their knowledge and unlocking their full potential. Our courses are designed to enhance your cognitive abilities, foster lifelong learning, and empower you to achieve greatness in every aspect of your life.


Let's be real, our about us is about you and people just like you. Our biggest desire is that you join our community and earn your course completion certificate too!

Cassie Bullock earning her Black Belt in Memory

Cassie Bullock earning her Black Belt in Memory

Proud Black Belt in Memory

Proud Black Belt in Memory

Jim Earns His Black Belt in Memory!

Jim Earns His Black Belt in Memory!

Michael Gets His Black Belt in Memory!

Michael Gets His Black Belt in Memory!

Eric Earned His Black Belt to Memorize Bible Verses

Eric Earned His Black Belt to Memorize Bible Verses

Karate Black Belt & Memory Black Belt!

Karate Black Belt & Memory Black Belt!

Black Belt in Memory & Best Hat!

Black Belt in Memory & Best Hat!

Black Belt!

Black Belt!

Bill is a Black Belt in Karate & Memory!

Bill is a Black Belt in Karate & Memory!

Peek a Boo He's a Black Belt in Memory Too!

Peek a Boo He's a Black Belt in Memory Too!

Professional Speaker, Ron Jones is a Black Belt in Memory!

Professional Speaker, Ron Jones is a Black Belt in Memory!

This Family Earned their Black Belts together!

This Family Earned their Black Belts together!

Student Caleb Huber Earning Black Belt

Student Caleb Huber Earning Black Belt

Eric Van Velzen in Amsterdam!

Eric Van Velzen in Amsterdam!

A FRAMED Black Belt in Memory

A FRAMED Black Belt in Memory

Send me YOUR Pic When You Earn YOUR Black Belt in Memory!It just takes 31 DAYS!

Send me YOUR Pic When You Earn YOUR Black Belt in Memory!It just takes 31 DAYS!

Sue in Colorado is a Black Belt in Memory

Sue in Colorado is a Black Belt in Memory

Customer Success Stories.

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