About Us

Brain Athlete was founded in 1991 by Ron White. Ron is a 2 time USA Memory Champion and is a genuine master of memory. Our courses are high quality and designed with the user in mind to get the best results. We aim to make an impact in your life and career.

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Global Speaker and Influencer

Ron speaks to audiences of all sizes around the world! Including: Singapore, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, South Africa, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana, England, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belgium, and even Nebraska.

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Ron White is without question one of the top Memory Experts in the world. 

In today’s age of the internet it seems almost anyone can slap a title of memory expert on themselves and put a lot of marketing money behind it and be seen as a memory expert. Then, you have the real deal. Ron White is without question the real deal.

  • 2 time USA Memory Champion

  • Held record for the fastest to memorize a deck of cards in the USA

  • Held record for longest number memorized in 5 minutes in the USA (167 digits)

  • Held record for longest number memorized in 1 hour by an American (800 digits)

  • Fox tv challenged Ron to memorize the names of 15 people, a 10 digit phone number for each and a fact about each. Ron did this in front of Mike Tyson and a studio audience PERFECTLY!

  • The History Channel scanned Ron’s brain in an MRI tube at the University of Texas.  while in an MRI tube and he was given a memory test and he was the first person in 20 years to get it perfect!

  • Fox News Challenged Ron to memorize the entire US Constitution from memory in 4 weeks and then write it on a wall on LIVE television and Ron did it perfectly!

Our Testimonials

Stan Lee

Stan Lee

Founder of Marvel Comics.

"Wow! Ron really pushes his exceptional memory to the max." - Stan Lee on Stan Lee's Superhumans (Season 1 Episode 8)

Patrick bet David

Patrick bet David


'I learned so much from you today. I was a student. I learned so much. It’s been a pleasure’ - Patrick bet David after memory session with Ron.

Empowering Learners Just Like YOU Around the World 

Join a global community of passionate learners dedicated to expanding their knowledge and unlocking their full potential. Our courses are designed to enhance your cognitive abilities, foster lifelong learning, and empower you to achieve greatness in every aspect of your life.


Let's be real, our about us is about you and people just like you. Our biggest desire is that you join our community and earn your course completion certificate too!

Cassie Bullock earning her Black Belt in Memory

Cassie Bullock earning her Black Belt in Memory

This Family Earned their Black Belts together!

This Family Earned their Black Belts together!

Professional Speaker, Ron Jones is a Black Belt in Memory!

Professional Speaker, Ron Jones is a Black Belt in Memory!

Black Belt!

Black Belt!

Black Belt in Karate & Black Belt in Memory

Black Belt in Karate & Black Belt in Memory

Proud Black Belt in Memory

Proud Black Belt in Memory

Bill is a Black Belt in Karate & Memory!

Bill is a Black Belt in Karate & Memory!

Student Caleb Huber Earning Black Belt

Student Caleb Huber Earning Black Belt

Eric Earned His Black Belt to Memorize Bible Verses

Eric Earned His Black Belt to Memorize Bible Verses

Jim Earns His Black Belt in Memory!

Jim Earns His Black Belt in Memory!

Michael Gets His Black Belt in Memory!

Michael Gets His Black Belt in Memory!

Peek a Boo He's a Black Belt in Memory Too!

Peek a Boo He's a Black Belt in Memory Too!

A FRAMED Black Belt in Memory

A FRAMED Black Belt in Memory

Black Belt in Memory & Best Hat!

Black Belt in Memory & Best Hat!

Karate Black Belt & Memory Black Belt!

Karate Black Belt & Memory Black Belt!

Eric Van Velzen in Amsterdam!

Eric Van Velzen in Amsterdam!

Another Framed Black Belt in Memory

Another Framed Black Belt in Memory

Send me YOUR Pic When You Earn YOUR Black Belt in Memory!It just takes 31 DAYS!

Send me YOUR Pic When You Earn YOUR Black Belt in Memory!It just takes 31 DAYS!

Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers | The Afghanistan Wall

Ron joined the US Navy as a reservist after September 11th and completed a tour in Afghanistan during 2007.

Ron White writes on the Afghanistan wall to remember our fallen soldiers.

As a tribute to the fallen, Ron has memorized the names of more than 2,300 American service members killed in Afghanistan. He travels the USA writing the names on a 52 foot long wall from memory. It took 10 months to memorize the 7,000+ words.

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