Brain Article

Technique Using Holograms Observe Workings of the Brain


The only way to see a microorganism is with powerful equipment, and teams of neurobiologists, psychiatrists, and advanced imaging specialists from Switzerland’s EPLF and CHUV, have done just that to observe the neuronal activity in the brain. As reported in The Journal of Neuroscience, the scientists used Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM) to observe neuronal activity [...]

Technique Using Holograms Observe Workings of the Brain2016-10-22T09:06:53+00:00

Dopamine Released After Brain Training Improves Working Memory Performance


It is known that training can improve working memory.  Now, research published in Science, substantiates the fact that working-memory training is associated with an increased release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in specific brain regions, particularly the caudate, a region located below the neocortex.  Researchers note that the dopaminergic influx was particularly large in this brain region [...]

Dopamine Released After Brain Training Improves Working Memory Performance2016-10-22T09:06:56+00:00

Blood Pressure Medications Could Be Key To Memory Problems


Although some scientists argue that memory loss is not age related, there is more statistical research to support that it is. According to most research, everyone will be affected by memory problems as they age. Some of these problems occur because of the dying off of neural connections in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible [...]

Blood Pressure Medications Could Be Key To Memory Problems2016-10-22T09:06:48+00:00

Your Heart Can Affect Your Memory


The French National Institute of Health Research conducted a study to evaluate the relationship between “metabolic syndrome” and its connection to memory decline in older adults. The study found that older people with risk factors for metabolic syndrome might be at a higher risk for memory loss. The American Heart Association (AHA) describes metabolic syndrome [...]

Your Heart Can Affect Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:48+00:00

Teen Binge Drinking Affects Memory


The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as ‘a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above.’ It is the common form of alcohol abuse in the United States today. Although drinking is on the decline in teens today, underage binge drinking [...]

Teen Binge Drinking Affects Memory2016-10-22T09:06:48+00:00

Blame It On Your Brain’s Wiring


My name is Ron White. I am a two-time USA Memory Champion and I found an interesting article which shows that men are wired a little differently than women, and could explain a lot about why men hog the channel changer. In the late 1990s the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, [...]

Blame It On Your Brain’s Wiring2016-10-22T09:06:49+00:00

Higher Physical Activity Levels Help Maintain Memory Fitness and Reduce Stroke Risk


Earlier research has already shown that even moderate daily activity such as walking 20-30 minutes each day can have positive effects on maintaining memory fitness in old age. New evidence shows that moderate to intense physical activity can provide additional benefits in terms of reduced ‘silent strokes’ – the first sign of cerebrovascular disease or [...]

Higher Physical Activity Levels Help Maintain Memory Fitness and Reduce Stroke Risk2016-10-22T09:06:49+00:00

Frozen In Time


We are always discussing how the brain works to create memories, but do not often test the waters in how our brain holds the memories we have already stored there. Healthy brains are able to store memories in different regions – depending on what the memory is used for. What about people who have sustained [...]

Frozen In Time2016-10-22T09:06:49+00:00

Can You Walk, Talk and Remember At the Same Time?


We often hear the joke “He/she can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.” To us this joke usually means that person is not smart enough to perform more than one action at a time. In reality, however, how well do all of us process information as we multi-task? Can we walk, talk and [...]

Can You Walk, Talk and Remember At the Same Time?2016-10-22T09:06:42+00:00