Brain Article

How Sleep Affects Memory


Ron White memory expert and USA Memory Champion discusses how sleep affects memory: Here is the scenario, you are going into a mental tournament against some of the smartest men and women you know and you can't sleep the night before! This was not an imaginary scenario for is exactly what occurred for me the night before the 2010 USA Memory Championship. I was wound up so much that at 6am I still hadn't had 1 minute of sleep and I would be competing in 2.5 hours in a memory tournament! Needless to say, at this point I almost had given up! At 6am, my girlfriend called me and calmed me down and then sent me to bed to GO TO SLEEP! I did just that and 70 minutes later I awoke to enter the toughest mental tournament I had faced up to that point.

How Sleep Affects Memory2016-10-22T09:06:13+00:00

60 Minutes Segment on Memory


Scientists have long been interested in understanding what we remember about our past and why we remember it. But figuring out a way to study autobiographical memory presents a problem. Many other kinds of memory are tested in the laboratory using experiments planned out in painstaking detail. That doesn't work so well for autobiographical "episodic" memories, which are made over time and everywhere along the way.

60 Minutes Segment on Memory2016-10-22T09:06:09+00:00

Ron White on Defining Memory


We all experience memory lapses from time to time. It’s not unusual and for the most part nothing to worry about. As we age, and the lapses come more often, we start to worry that other things may be going wrong – like the beginning of Alzheimer’s or dementia. According to Webster’s Dictionary, memory is "the mental capacity or faculty of retaining or recalling facts, events, impressions or previous experiences." Science defines memory in six different phases:

Ron White on Defining Memory2016-10-22T09:06:08+00:00

Did Lobotomies Really Work?


A neurologist named Egas Moniz performed the first brain surgery to treat mental illness in Portugal in 1935. The procedure was called a “leucotomy,” later to be changed to “lobotomy.” It required holes being drilled into the patient’s skull to reach the brain and severe nerve connections.

Did Lobotomies Really Work?2016-10-22T09:06:07+00:00

Brain Mapping Provides Clues to Mental Decline in Elderly


Isn't it amazing that an organ the size of a small cabbage controls all the functions of your body? The brain is an amazing instrument. It controls your heart, your emotions, your muscles, your senses and your memory. In essence, everything that happens within you is controlled by one large muscle, and like all muscles it starts to weaken with age.

Brain Mapping Provides Clues to Mental Decline in Elderly2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

Study of Sleep Deprivation Identifies Genes That Hinder Memory


Study of Sleep Deprivation Identifies Genes That Hinder Memory Most people experience occasional sleep deprivation and recognize its impact on their mood and behavior, but there is little scientific understanding of how sleep loss actually affects brain function, especially memory and other cognitive functions. New research published in Frontiers in Neuroscience sheds new light on this problem.

Study of Sleep Deprivation Identifies Genes That Hinder Memory2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Athletes: Beware Of Long-Term Effects From A Concussion


Coaches, sports teams and doctors, are coming forward in record numbers to get the word out that a concussion is not a temporary problem, but could have lasting effects. Even the National Football League (NFL) has started to take concussions of their players seriously by hanging posters in all the league locker rooms warning their players of the long-term effects of head trauma, and making sure that players receive medical treatment after even a minor incident involving head trauma.

Athletes: Beware Of Long-Term Effects From A Concussion2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Blood Test Helps Predict Memory Loss Risk… Cognitive Reserve Helps Reduce That Risk.


Ron White memory expert recommends this article : Determining your risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is almost impossible, especially if you are living a ‘memory-fitness friendly’ lifestyle and are under the age of 55. The Alzheimer’s association suggests that as many as one in eight baby boomers who reach age 55 will develop Alzheimer’s disease [...]

Blood Test Helps Predict Memory Loss Risk… Cognitive Reserve Helps Reduce That Risk.2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Memory Loss in Adults Connected to Metabolic Disorders


Metabolic Disorders, like diabetes, occur when your body is not able to break down and absorb the food you eat. Since food is your body’s fuel, and what you eat affects how your entire body functions, a disruption in the fuel absorption also hinders how your brain functions, and why you will lose your memory.

Memory Loss in Adults Connected to Metabolic Disorders2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Brain Cancer Therapy that Spares the Brain


Ron White memory training expert recommends this article: The brain is the control center for the body and any damage to its highly specialized cells can result in life altering changes. So what happens to those who are diagnosed with a brain tumor, and what treatment options are available for them? Well with 29 functioning [...]

Brain Cancer Therapy that Spares the Brain2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00