Brain Article

Humor Enhances Memory


Does this story sound familiar? “Several days ago as I left a meeting at our church, I desperately gave myself a personal TSA - style pat down.  I was looking for my keys.  They were not in my pockets.  A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing.” “Suddenly I realized, I must have left [...]

Humor Enhances Memory2016-10-22T09:22:01+00:00

Your Brain Expands When Playing Games With Others


Social interaction has been found to be significant in the retention of memory. It is through communicating with others a person keeps their body active through conversation, allows them to release stress, and stave off depression. Recently scientists have been able to view the way our brains behave while interacting with others in a social [...]

Your Brain Expands When Playing Games With Others2016-10-22T09:22:01+00:00

Periwinkle Is Not Just a Pretty Flower


European doctors are aware of the memory boosting powers of the pretty periwinkle plant, and have prescribed it to millions of patients, especially for the treatment of cerebral blood flow disorders.  It has not caught on yet in the U.S. Are you getting enough oxygen from blood flow alone to stay sharp, focused and mentally [...]

Periwinkle Is Not Just a Pretty Flower2016-10-22T09:22:01+00:00

Brain Training Can Improve Driving Skills


Statistics used to say that older drivers, as a group, tended to be more likely to be at fault in auto accidents than younger people, and suffered more severe injuries or death as a result. Recent studies indicate that with some brain training these negative statistics could be turned around and help older adults to [...]

Brain Training Can Improve Driving Skills2016-10-22T09:21:58+00:00

Brain Aerobics


Aerobics – great for the body, and now for the brain! We know aerobic exercises help your circulation, and that increases blood flow throughout your system, and that is especially good for your brain. Your brain requires a lot of oxygen, actually more than nay other part of your body. When your oxygen level is [...]

Brain Aerobics2016-10-22T09:21:38+00:00

Does Suppressing Emotions Suppress Memory?


Could holding your emotions in check actually poisoning your memory? According to a study out of Stanford University, when we hold back our emotions we are doing a lot of damage to our brains and our health, and the effects can be long-lasting. Addicts and those affected with depression and other mental disorders commonly suppress [...]

Does Suppressing Emotions Suppress Memory?2016-10-22T09:21:38+00:00

Gender Matters When It Comes To Addiction


According to Yale School of Medicine researchers, “When it comes to addiction, sex matters.” A new study released January 31, 3023 in the American Journal of Psychiatry, suggests that men and women would benefit more from different, gender specific, treatments for addictions. According to the study, stress can activate the brains of women who are [...]

Gender Matters When It Comes To Addiction2016-10-22T09:21:38+00:00

The Placenta Shapes Brain Development


Although the placenta is only part of the human development for a brief nine months, it is an under appreciated and necessary part of the process. The blood vessels in the placenta, which appear to resemble tree roots, deliver essential oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the baby. Scientists are finding that the placenta [...]

The Placenta Shapes Brain Development2016-10-22T09:21:41+00:00

Memory Recall One Hazard of Texting While Walking


Although walking and texting may seem like a natural thing to most of us, especially younger people, it actually can be dangerous, and interfere with your ability to recall information. We already know about the hazards of texting while driving, but who thought about the dangers that are involved in walking and texting? Not only [...]

Memory Recall One Hazard of Texting While Walking2016-10-22T09:21:29+00:00

Neuroscience Affects Your Everyday Life


It’s only been a few decades since scientists decided to open up a new field of study, called neuroscience. For centuries they have known that the nervous system (brain) controls all of our thoughts, moods, motions, language and dreams, but they were not certain how. Thanks to neuroscience, how our brain functions, and what parts [...]

Neuroscience Affects Your Everyday Life2016-10-22T09:21:32+00:00