The Theory of Quantum Physics is based on the idea that everything is energy. This means that all the cells in our body are also made up of energy – negative and positive.

Cellular memory affects everything that happens in your body, consciously or subconsciously, positively or negatively. This cellular memory is stored in every part of your body. That means that whatever happened to our ancestors before us, what we take in from our from our surroundings, the air we breathe and the nutrients we absorb have an impact on our health, happiness, and the amount of success we have in our life. This cell memory then gets passed on down to our children and their children, and so on.

Each of our cells contains thousands of receptors that respond to “vibrational frequencies” occurring throughout our bodies. Each new idea and strong emotion we experience is communicated and imprinted on our cells, not just in the brain but throughout our body as frequency. It is not our subconscious programming that stops us from changing and achieving our goals in life, it is the cellular memory stored in our bodies that does that.

It is unnerving to think I will pass down some negative aspects of my persona to my children and grandchildren. It’s like “the sins of the father are visited upon the son,” idea that is uncomfortable. Is there a way we can go about changing the outcome to make life easier for future generations?

According to a research paper titled “Local and Non-Local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes of DNA,” we can turn our DNA on and off, and change the shape of the DNA, with strong positive or negative emotions.

Researchers in a “follow-up” experiment tested HIV positive patients. They observed that patients who emitted strong positive emotions, such as love, gratitude and appreciation had 300,000 times more resistance to HIV than those without these feelings. Strong positive emotions have showing to have amazing healing power.

In another experiment, DNA donors were monitored as their cells were inserted into volunteers in different rooms. Immediately upon insertion the cells began reacting the same as they did in the original volunteer donor, indicating peaks and valleys of the DNA in both donor and volunteer matched exactly. This means that the cell memory in the DNA remained the same, even if the cells were inserted into a different host. They also found it didn’t make any difference if the donor was in the next room, or 50 miles away, it still reacted the same.

This could explain why organ recipients often take on some of the tastes, personality quirks and beliefs of their organ donors, even if they knew nothing about the donor, or spoke to anyone who knew them prior to surgery.

Now that scientists understand the possibility that changing DNA actually can happen, how can they go about making it happen?

Memories are stored as electrical imprints in our cells, which stop the flow of energy and can cause anxiety, fear, stress, disease and a number of other problems, physical and mental. In order to “fix” the negative imprints associated with self-limiting beliefs (cellular memory), and replace them with positive cell memory, the negative memories have to be removed from your body and replaced them with positive ones. If you negative is not eliminated it will continue to return and wreck havoc for future generations.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, an internationally recognized cellular biologist, has studied how environment turns the DNA in our genes on and off in order to control cell behavior.  He explains that everyone already has genes for pretty much ever disease imaginable from cancer to AIDS, but only about 5% of the population will actually suffer from the DNA passed on genetically.

Dr. Lipton discovered that when the protein that surrounds DNA is stripped away, the DNA is actually inactive. This surrounding protein turns the DNA on or off when it receives signals from our thoughts and beliefs!

Many neurobiologists agree that changes in your life that are positive can turn off these negative cell memories and create new neural pathways that reinforces your new thoughts and beliefs – directly impacting cellular memory. That would include meditation, visualization, and brain training to turn your brain to a more positive outlook.

This will help you, and your future generations, to improve their lives. For decades the Power of Positive Thinking has been a tool to redirect lives in order for them to change the pattern of thinking for success. This proves that the same principle will work to reprogram the body to affect change, and will be carried on to affect the lives of future generations.



About the author:

Ron White is a two-time U.S.A. Memory Champion and memory training expert. As a memory keynote speaker he travels the world to speak before large groups or small company seminars, demonstrating his memory skills and teaching others how to improve their memory, and how important a good memory is in all phases of your life.



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