Ron White, two-time USA Memory Champion, would like to share with you this fascinating lesson I learned about confidence and living an authentic life from former U.S. Navy Seal, T.C. Cummings.

“Cowards die a thousand deaths. The valiant taste of death but once.” ~ William Shakespeare in Julius Caesar

It’s a good day to die” is not a negative statement. It implies that you have lived a life of authenticity, and are ready for whatever comes along. When you are living a life 100% on purpose, and doing what is in your heart you know is the right thing to do, you are able to move ahead without hesitation, knowing you are going in the right direction. You will have no regrets, and you will be confident in your self and your abilities.

U.S. Navy SEALs are in constant danger. They go out on missions knowing full well they may never come back. They have to come to terms early on with the possibility they will be killed on the next mission, it is a fact of their life and they choose to accept it and dismiss it, moving ever forward.

T. C. Cumming, my former U.S. Navy SEAL friend and mentor, told a group during one “Mind of a U.S. Navy SEAL” workshop the following story:

In June of 2005, eight Navy SEALs and eight members of the Army Special Operations Aviator unit took off on a mission to save the lives of four SEALs in Afghanistan. The last transmission from the lost unit was: ‘We are throwing all our radios and heavy gear out and are running…’

In the minds of these Navy SEALs and aviators, there is never a question as to whether or not you would go after them. You never leave a man hanging. The 16 SEALs and Special Ops people did not hesitate to get in gear and go after the men. In a SEAL’s mind, ‘Every day is a good day to die’ when they are doing their best and know in their hearts what is right. SEALs do not dwell on consequences (negatives), only the mission at hand. There was never a question, or second-guessing their decision.

All 16 men were killed when a lone missile downed their chopper. These men, without hesitation or fear for the consequences, did what they knew in their hearts they had to do to bring their buddies home. They died for what they believed in, and even though they were not able to complete their mission they at least made the attempt, and for that their family and friends can proudly remember them for their honor and courage.

“This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai. If by setting one’s heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body were already dead, he pains freedom in the Way. His whole life will be without blame, and he will succeed in his calling.” ~ excerpt from Hagakure, by samurai Yamamoto Tsunetomo (Bushido)

Navy SEALs don’t walk on water – yet. Honestly, when the SEALs and the Aviators were killed they would not have had it any other way. They had come to terms long ago there is a time for dying. In our lives are all going to experience pain, but suffering is when we hold on to that pain. SEALs don’t suffer!

If you can come to terms with NOT being the greatest leader; if you can come to terms with the answer to the question “What if I fail?” knowing you had done your best; if you have lived the authentic life of honor, honesty, integrity and true love; then you have not failed!  If you have this attitude you will have the courage, and the confidence, to keep on going, knowing that the honor is in giving it your best shot, and there is no disgrace in missing your mark.

You will find lessons in building confidence in the training CDs “Mind of a Navy SEAL,” and in our training “Think Like A U.S. Navy SEAL” workshops.



“Mind of a U.S. Navy SEAL” workshop

Wikkipedia – Confidence:; Bushido:

Yahoo! Answers – quote: