Intel collected by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention from 1999 to 2005 indicates that the suicide rate has risen by 20% during this period for people between the ages of 45-54 – the Baby Boomer generation. The cause is unknown, but the data has been supported by other studies done later. One fact is in evidence, the rise in depression and suicide cases is continuing.When you are learning memory training to improve your memory but also dealing with depression it is an uphill battle.

Scientists are beginning to focus more on body chemistry than the symptoms of depression. The brain produces chemicals that transmit messages between cells through what is called a synapse. Two neurotransmitters in particular – serotonin and norepinephrine, control mood and emotion. A low level of serotonin, or an imbalance between it and norepinephrine can cause depression. A lack of cells that receive the serotonin, or a shortage of a chemical in serotonin, tryptophan, can also be responsible.

With our economy on shaky ground, and many people losing their jobs and homes, there are more people who have given up and sunk into the hole depression puts them. Stress is a major cause of depression. Stress is also one of the worst enemies to your memory as well as depression. A person in the state of depression will have to work three times as hard with memory training to equal the memory results of someone without depresssion.

Often there is nothing specific that triggers it. Depression can run in families due to a chemical imbalance. Teens, who already go through so many ups and downs because their bodies and their brain chemistry are often in conflict, undergo ups and downs of depression. When you add self-image and the desire to belong and be noticed inner turmoil is a normal part of life.

Depression doesn’t mean a person is “crazy.” The suffering and pain that goes along with depression is real. Just as things can go wrong in all other organs of the body, things can go wrong in the most important organ of all: the brain. It is a real medical problem.

Everyone has ups and downs, and can feel hurt, disappointed, and grief. People can be sad, but not depressed.  When a person you love has passed on, or you lose your job, you are going to be sad, it is natural. Most people are able to get through their grief and sadness and move on. Some can not.

Depression goes beyond sadness. It can puts a person in an almost “living-dead” state, and at times they can’t get out of bed or do simple tasks they once enjoyed. Those around them may get angry and yell at them, or tell them they are lazy, but that is not the case. The depressed person has a feeling of hopelessness and despair, and this can go on for weeks, months and even years. It affects their outlook and behavior; their physical health will change. They will lose or gain weight, have problems sleeping, and experience other physical symptoms. They are negative and self-critical, and experience a feeling of worthlessness. They avoid social contacts, and even avoid family – feeling unloved and useless.

Depression is treatable. There is also talk therapy and medication that can help. Also, activities like exercise, yoga, dance and something that occupies the mind can be mood-lifters.

If you are concerned about someone you know, stay with him or her until they get some help. There are hotlines and counselors available to anyone who needs help, but don’t dismiss their talk of suicide or depression something to be dismissed.

This is Ron White, two-time USA Memory Champion , memory training expert, and memory keynote speaker. Depression is a disease that is common, and treatable. If you know someone who has emotional problems, make sure you get that person some help. The brain is a complicated instrument, and can produce many symptoms – like depression, that tells a person there is a problem within. Recognizing it means you can do something about it.



Sources: – Mental Disorders, Are Baby Boomers More Depressed Than Members of Other Generations?

Discovery Channel – What causes depression?

Lund Institute – Depression:

Teens Health – Depression: