What Your Brain Hears


When we are trying to study and remember things we have been told that we should get rid of all background distractions. Noise has been thought of as detrimental to memory and learning. A recent study seems to say that some people actually can benefit from white noise to enhance their memory and improve their [...]

What Your Brain Hears2016-10-22T09:08:35+00:00

ADHD Could Be An Offshoot of Gluten Sensitivity


It may sound strange to find that a grain you eat, and found in most of your food in some form or another, can have a negative effect on a brain function, but it can happen.  Research has found that gluten sensitivity could be at the root of many neurological and psychiatric conditions, including attention [...]

ADHD Could Be An Offshoot of Gluten Sensitivity2016-10-22T09:07:12+00:00

Discovering the Pleasure in ADHD


Researchers studying brain circuits involved in the development of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) found deviations in different aspects of the brain’s dopamine-mediated pleasure center related to gratification and motivation. For children with ADHD, the motivation to carry out an activity is related to the gratification received when the objectives are met. This would explain [...]

Discovering the Pleasure in ADHD2016-10-22T09:06:53+00:00