brain aerobics

Brain Aerobics


Aerobics – great for the body, and now for the brain! We know aerobic exercises help your circulation, and that increases blood flow throughout your system, and that is especially good for your brain. Your brain requires a lot of oxygen, actually more than nay other part of your body. When your oxygen level is [...]

Brain Aerobics2016-10-22T09:21:38+00:00

Brain Exercises That Turn Back the Clock


A survey by the Dana Foundation revealed that nearly seven out of ten adults are worried about memory decline. As a matter of fact, 80% of doctors surveyed said their patients over thirty complain about memory loss. They are beginning to worry they may develop Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. They haven’t quite gotten [...]

Brain Exercises That Turn Back the Clock2016-10-22T09:07:19+00:00