cognitive rehabilitation

Retrain the Brain Through Cognitive Rehabilitation


In the world of neuroscience, the word “cognitive” means how you think, reason and perceive the world around you. When the brain is damaged, from a traumatic injury, illness or stroke, often cognitive functions are interrupted and in order for the person to be able to return to some sort of normal life there is [...]

Retrain the Brain Through Cognitive Rehabilitation2016-10-22T09:08:43+00:00

Trial and Error Helps Older Brains Process Better


  The world-renowned Rotman Research Institute in Toronto, Canada has issued a report that appears in the August 24, 2011 online edition of the journal Psychology and Aging that shows evidence that older brains benefit more than younger ones from memorizing and learning things the old-fashioned way – through trial and error. The findings will [...]

Trial and Error Helps Older Brains Process Better2016-10-22T09:06:45+00:00