
Influx of Dopamine Released During Memory Training


A recent study published in the journal Science indicates the caudate region of the brain, located below the neocortex, is the recipient of particularly large amounts of dopamine during working memory training. This research hold up the findings of other studies that have associate working memory training to the release of dopamine to particular areas [...]

Influx of Dopamine Released During Memory Training2016-10-22T09:06:58+00:00

Dopamine Released After Brain Training Improves Working Memory Performance


It is known that training can improve working memory.  Now, research published in Science, substantiates the fact that working-memory training is associated with an increased release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in specific brain regions, particularly the caudate, a region located below the neocortex.  Researchers note that the dopaminergic influx was particularly large in this brain region [...]

Dopamine Released After Brain Training Improves Working Memory Performance2016-10-22T09:06:56+00:00