improving your memory

Tips For Getting Good College Grades


Hello, I am Ron White, the National Memory Champion for 2009 and 2010. I have been helping students get better grades for over 20 years, and would like to share some basic tips to help you improve your grades, and your memory. You may think the ones who get the best grades in school are the smartest ones, but actually they may not be. The difference is the ones with the best grades have learned how to develop study skills that help them to retain what they learn and do well in college.

Tips For Getting Good College Grades2016-10-22T09:06:20+00:00

Acknowledging and Preserving Albert Einstein’s Legacy


Ron White the 2 time National Memory Champion Acknowledging and Preserving Albert Einstein’s Legacy I have been fascinated by Albert Einstein and his extraordinary life, mind and views most of my life – so much so that I created a program about him entitled ‘How to Develop The Mind of Einstein’. On March 13,2005 the American Friends of the Hebrew University (AFHU) celebrated the 100th anniversary of the publishing of three of Einstein’s most notable works, including the Theory of Relativity (E=mc2), with a conference on his formidable legacy, and his impact on our lives.

Acknowledging and Preserving Albert Einstein’s Legacy2016-10-22T09:06:19+00:00

Academic Summer Camps Help Improve SAT Scores


Summer vacation doesn’t have to be boring for youngsters, and summer camp doesn’t have to consist of simple crafts, volleyball and boating. Academic Summer Camps are springing up all over and it’s like taking a Caribbean vacation! Students from grades 7-12 won’t realize that the life experiences they are having are preparing them for improving grades and getting higher SAT and ACT scores.

Academic Summer Camps Help Improve SAT Scores2016-10-22T09:06:19+00:00

David Steel on Ron White’s BrainAthlete Radio


David Steel of as a guest on David runs a Social media company called They were recommended for me to interview by Christopher Guerriero who I also interviewed. I can't tell you this is the best show but I believe you will find what others have found that this show is packed with great tips and tools to promote you and your business on Social Media.

David Steel on Ron White’s BrainAthlete Radio2016-10-22T09:06:18+00:00

The History of Memory Training


I am always asked when I realized I had my special memory ability and when I tell people that I don't have a special memory ability but instead it is a memory system they are somewhat taken off guard. Then the next question asked, 'Oh, well when did you develop this memory training system?' I must confess I would love to of developed this system but I am by no means the father of memory training.

The History of Memory Training2016-10-22T09:06:16+00:00

Trust Your Memory


Two time USA Memory Champion and Memory Training Expert Ron White shares his thoughts on trusting your memory: In learning how to memorize one of the first things that should be learned is the many benefits of trusting your memory. Trusting your memory allows you to move faster and memorize more information quickly. One of the most common things I hear people say is, ‘Oh my memory is TERRIBLE! I can’t remember names! I am a terrible test taker! My memory is getting worse and worse!’ The first element of trusting your memory is STOP SAYING THIS KIND OF STUFF! What you tell yourself about your memory will be programmed into your subconscious and ultimately become your reality. I daily tell myself, ‘My brain operates fast and I find it EASY to remember.’ I am programming myself to TRUST my memory!

Trust Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:15+00:00

The Day Before The USA Memory Championship


Ron White memory expert and USA Memory Champion shares his thoughts on the USA Memory Championship: As I type this I am sitting in my hotel room in New York City for the fourth year in a row. The first time was March 2008 and I had just returned from Afghanistan two months prior. The next year, in 2009 I ended up winning the USA Memory Championship and followed that with another victory in 2010.

The Day Before The USA Memory Championship2016-10-22T09:06:14+00:00

11 year old uses Ron White’s Memory Program to Name Classmates


11 year old uses Ron White of memory program to name much of an 95 person class in Las Colinas, Texas. He had 15 minutes to learn all these names. What a great proof that Ron White's Memory program work. Ron White is the National Memory Champion and Memory Keynote speaker training around the world.

11 year old uses Ron White’s Memory Program to Name Classmates2016-10-22T09:06:10+00:00

Ron White Demonstrating Memory Training in His Memory Class


Ron White one of Stan Lee's Super Humans demonstrating his memory after a short time in the class Feb 2011. Ron White is the National Memory Champion for 2009 and 2010. He is currently in training for the March 2011 National Championship to win a triple crown.

Ron White Demonstrating Memory Training in His Memory Class2016-10-22T09:06:09+00:00

Speed Reading Methods From Wikipedia


Commercial speed reading programs Speed reading programs are available through courses, both in person or software based, and manuals. While the average adult reading rate is 250 words per minute with 70% comprehension[3], speed reading programs typically claim that improvements to 500 words per minute or more while maintaining or improving comprehension are possible.

Speed Reading Methods From Wikipedia2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00