lateral thinking

Encourage Creative Thinking in our Schools


We are constantly encouraging our preschoolers to use their imagination, and seek out educational videos and games to help them develop their brain through creativity. We post their art on our refrigerators, and praise each learning skill. Yet, when they get into school we stop the encouragement of creativity by allowing our schools to teach [...]

Encourage Creative Thinking in our Schools2016-10-22T09:09:36+00:00

Are You a Lateral or Vertical Thinker?


We often speak about lateral and vertical thinking, but what exactly does that mean, and how does it differ from traditional teachings? Is it best to go with the flow of tradition, or look for answers to complex problems through a different process? Vertical Thinkers Are methodical and take things step-by-step Do not like to [...]

Are You a Lateral or Vertical Thinker?2016-10-22T09:09:36+00:00