
    Empowerment Of A True Leader Like a Navy SEAL


    I am Ron White, Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote speaker. I would like to share with you some of the things I learned from my good friend and trainer, former U.S. Navy Seal T.C. Cummings, about empowerment, accountability and leadership T.C. has been able to let me in on Navy Seal thinking, and how it can relate to aspects of all of our lives. Navy Seal training is disciplined, focused and results driven. Each member of the Seal team is a leader, and although they are military and retain a chain of command, each member is capable of picking up the gauntlet when necessary and assumes the leadership role.

    Empowerment Of A True Leader Like a Navy SEAL2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00

    Anyone Can Be Empowered To Lead – Just ask a Navy SEAL


    I am Ron White, Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote. I would like to share with you some of the things I learned about Leadership from my good friend and trainer, T.C. Cummings – A Former Navy Seal. This information, and other excellent points on Leadership, can be found in my memory training seminars and “Mind Like A U.S. Navy SEAL” program. First of all I would like to say – Anyone can be a leader! It does not take any special education, or physical attributes. Some are born to lead, with qualities of a leader already encrypted in their DNA. Others can learn it, and develop leadership skills with just a few key lessons to practice.

    Anyone Can Be Empowered To Lead – Just ask a Navy SEAL2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00