memorization techniques

Learning Language and Memory Skills Outside of the Classroom


Children learn languages much faster than adults, so learning another language – such as Spanish; can be easier when they are young. As a matter of fact, with our shrinking world due to technology and networking learning another language can be very useful tool in the job market as well as socially. Since many countries speak Spanish, it is a good choice to begin.

Learning Language and Memory Skills Outside of the Classroom2016-10-22T09:06:19+00:00

MemoryLifter Software Revolutionizes Learning


MemoryLifter is a program that flashes images in front of you, and gives you multiple-choice answers, then scores your progress and time. It is an excellent aid in improving your memory as well as a learning aid for students and adults alike.

MemoryLifter Software Revolutionizes Learning2016-10-22T09:06:19+00:00

Preparing for the SAT with Ron White the 2 time National Memory Champion


Every Fall, thousands of high school students take standardized tests that will help them get into college. It’s important to know that not all tests are designed the same, nor are they scored the same. With this article we will be addressing the best way to improve study skills to take the four-hour SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test).

Preparing for the SAT with Ron White the 2 time National Memory Champion2016-10-22T09:06:19+00:00

Can you still afford College? On Ron White’s BrainAthlete Radio learn how.


Kevin helps his clients find the money to attend college. Listen to this interview discussing how they start with an assessment to make sure you go into college pursuing a passion with direction rather than a wondering specific as Zig Ziglar says. Kevin and his team has several classes each month in the DFW area where he teaches the principals of how to fill out the FAFSA without hurting yourself.

Can you still afford College? On Ron White’s BrainAthlete Radio learn how.2016-10-22T09:06:18+00:00

The History of Memory Training


I am always asked when I realized I had my special memory ability and when I tell people that I don't have a special memory ability but instead it is a memory system they are somewhat taken off guard. Then the next question asked, 'Oh, well when did you develop this memory training system?' I must confess I would love to of developed this system but I am by no means the father of memory training.

The History of Memory Training2016-10-22T09:06:16+00:00

How to Memorize a Poem


Two time USA Memory Champion and Memory Training Expert Ron White shares his thoughts how to memorize a poem: At the USA Memory Championship there is an event where you see who can memorize the most words from a poem in 15 minutes. Currently a high school student holds this record, Michael Glantz. He memorized [...]

How to Memorize a Poem2016-10-22T09:06:14+00:00

The Day Before The USA Memory Championship


Ron White memory expert and USA Memory Champion shares his thoughts on the USA Memory Championship: As I type this I am sitting in my hotel room in New York City for the fourth year in a row. The first time was March 2008 and I had just returned from Afghanistan two months prior. The next year, in 2009 I ended up winning the USA Memory Championship and followed that with another victory in 2010.

The Day Before The USA Memory Championship2016-10-22T09:06:14+00:00

How Sleep Affects Memory


Ron White memory expert and USA Memory Champion discusses how sleep affects memory: Here is the scenario, you are going into a mental tournament against some of the smartest men and women you know and you can't sleep the night before! This was not an imaginary scenario for is exactly what occurred for me the night before the 2010 USA Memory Championship. I was wound up so much that at 6am I still hadn't had 1 minute of sleep and I would be competing in 2.5 hours in a memory tournament! Needless to say, at this point I almost had given up! At 6am, my girlfriend called me and calmed me down and then sent me to bed to GO TO SLEEP! I did just that and 70 minutes later I awoke to enter the toughest mental tournament I had faced up to that point.

How Sleep Affects Memory2016-10-22T09:06:13+00:00

11 year old uses Ron White’s Memory Program to Name Classmates


11 year old uses Ron White of memory program to name much of an 95 person class in Las Colinas, Texas. He had 15 minutes to learn all these names. What a great proof that Ron White's Memory program work. Ron White is the National Memory Champion and Memory Keynote speaker training around the world.

11 year old uses Ron White’s Memory Program to Name Classmates2016-10-22T09:06:10+00:00

Ron White Demonstrating Memory Training in His Memory Class


Ron White one of Stan Lee's Super Humans demonstrating his memory after a short time in the class Feb 2011. Ron White is the National Memory Champion for 2009 and 2010. He is currently in training for the March 2011 National Championship to win a triple crown.

Ron White Demonstrating Memory Training in His Memory Class2016-10-22T09:06:09+00:00