
Re-Shaping Your Brain Activity


The journal Sleep reported in their October 1, 2008 issue a study showing that improved sleep quality can accelerate learning and memorizing through a process that reshapes your brain activity. According to the study, participants were able to “shape their brain activity” by the direct manipulation of certain EEG (electroencephalographic) activities. Researchers were able to [...]

Re-Shaping Your Brain Activity2016-10-22T09:06:42+00:00

Trial and Error Helps Older Brains Process Better


  The world-renowned Rotman Research Institute in Toronto, Canada has issued a report that appears in the August 24, 2011 online edition of the journal Psychology and Aging that shows evidence that older brains benefit more than younger ones from memorizing and learning things the old-fashioned way – through trial and error. The findings will [...]

Trial and Error Helps Older Brains Process Better2016-10-22T09:06:45+00:00

Learning Memory Techniques Will Produce Life-Long Benefits


Ron White, two-time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert, and memory keynote, shares his thoughts on the benefits of improving your memory. There are many benefits to having a better memory – other than being able to find your keys or remember your spouse’s birthday. A good memory will do you well in all [...]

Learning Memory Techniques Will Produce Life-Long Benefits2016-10-22T09:06:41+00:00

Techniques To Help Build Your Memory


Two-time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote speaker Ron White shares his thoughts on how to improve your memory. Most people have a hard time remembering abstract information, such as a numbers sequence. This is one of the things that separate those with eidetic memory (total recall) from those with great, but [...]

Techniques To Help Build Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:39+00:00

What Learning Style Is Best For Good Grades?


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on the value of visual learning for memory improvement. Discoveries in brain research show our brain is divided into two hemispheres. The right side is our analytical side, and usually attributed to auditory/sequential learners. The left hemisphere is attributed to our creative side, and visual/spatial learners are seen as having more processing going on with this side of the brain.

What Learning Style Is Best For Good Grades?2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00