
5 More Test-Taking Memory Tips


Taking tests is so stressful, and many people have a difficult time getting through them because they are putting so much pressure on themselves to do well. There are many who have memorized all the material and can recite it forward and backwards, but as soon as they enter the testing room everything they learned [...]

5 More Test-Taking Memory Tips2016-10-22T09:07:53+00:00

Depression and Short-Term Memory


Depression is a very misunderstood mental condition, and can have devastating effects on the victim and those around them, if gone untreated. Depressed people lose their ability to concentrate. They have difficulty remembering new information, and research has shown that depressed people only remember negative memories, which leads them to prolong their depression. It also [...]

Depression and Short-Term Memory2016-10-22T09:07:59+00:00

Diabetes and Other Metabolic Disorders Can Be Linked To Alzheimer’s


Okay, this one hits home. I was recently told I have Metabolic Syndrome.....Yikes.....I have had a cloudy head for months if not a year or more and maybe this is the answer. As a memory guy or memory speaker this is probably the worst condition to have and for the non memory guy not good [...]

Diabetes and Other Metabolic Disorders Can Be Linked To Alzheimer’s2016-10-22T09:07:39+00:00

Know How to Spot Memory Problems


Speaking with most doctors you will find that one of the most asked questions from patients over thirty involves memory loss. Our brains peak in our late twenties, and after that people with an occasional “It’s right on the tip of my tongue,” or “Have you seen my keys?” begins to make people think there [...]

Know How to Spot Memory Problems2016-10-22T09:07:22+00:00

Emotion and Violence Help Memory Retention


A recent study, conducted by Pacific Union College, tried to compare the effects of both violence and humor in television and how people are able to recall the product names in commercials throughout the show. We have always known that if you want to improve your memory with memory training you should make the images [...]

Emotion and Violence Help Memory Retention2016-10-22T09:07:13+00:00

Brain Exercises That Turn Back the Clock


A survey by the Dana Foundation revealed that nearly seven out of ten adults are worried about memory decline. As a matter of fact, 80% of doctors surveyed said their patients over thirty complain about memory loss. They are beginning to worry they may develop Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. They haven’t quite gotten [...]

Brain Exercises That Turn Back the Clock2016-10-22T09:07:19+00:00

Learn A New Language


In school, teachers usually teach the “phonebook” method of learning a language. With this memory technique you were given a list of vocabulary words to memorize, along with their meaning. The object is to repeat the word so often it will “stick” in your memory, and then you can move on to another word. This [...]

Learn A New Language2016-10-22T09:07:28+00:00

Ginkgo Biloba’s Affect On Memory Questioned


In a recent (2011) Dr. Oz show indicates that although the Ginkgo Biloba herb has shown to have some value in improving circulation and boosting mood, it has no real value in increasing memory. Other scientific studies have been inconclusive, so why then does this supplement keep rolling off the pharmacy and herb shop shelves [...]

Ginkgo Biloba’s Affect On Memory Questioned2016-10-22T09:07:24+00:00

Too Much and Too Little Sleep Are Brain Busters


A new study now shows that lack of sleep ages the brain, and surprisingly they also found that TOO MUCH sleep does the same thing! Sleep deprivation or lack of sleep doesn’t just make you tired the next day, it has a bad effect on your memory and your ability to function, and can bring [...]

Too Much and Too Little Sleep Are Brain Busters2016-10-22T09:07:16+00:00