
Plasticity Makes Us Who We Are


What makes one individual different from another? Why do different people within the same family have a wide array of personalities? What causes some men/women to become successful while others, who may have the same brain capacity or potential, fall short? This is a question scientists have been wondering for centuries. For the first time [...]

Plasticity Makes Us Who We Are2016-10-22T09:23:32+00:00

Brain Plasticity Forms Who We Are


Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, is the ability for our brains to reorganize neural pathways to make room for new experiences in our lives. It forms the basis for our personality, our behaviors, our emotions, our creativity and our whole life in general. As our experiences are taken in our brain is processing it and making [...]

Brain Plasticity Forms Who We Are2016-10-22T09:09:29+00:00

Learning Disabilities Program Enhances Memory Skills


Adina Weiss had a learning disability that experts labeled, "auditory processing disorder." Her mother, Shaindy, described her as a toddler as being a “little spacey” with delayed speech. Their pediatrician said it was something the girl would grow out of. As she got older and started school she did not grow out of it and [...]

Learning Disabilities Program Enhances Memory Skills2016-10-22T09:06:41+00:00

Epigentics And Neuroplasticity Control Brain Development Right From The Start


A study published in the journal Neuron, illustrates the effect of environmental inputs (epigentics) on the developing brain’s neuroplasticity. Exposure to just 20 minutes of intensive visual stimulation during development led to enhanced visual acuity and higher sensitivity to finer and smaller visual targets than non-conditioned controls. Employing time-lapse imaging to chart changes in brain [...]

Epigentics And Neuroplasticity Control Brain Development Right From The Start2016-10-22T09:06:32+00:00