remember names and faces

Memory as a Personal Success Tool


Can you look up to someone who has seen you every weekday morning for five years and still can’t get your name right? How about the person who goes to meetings unprepared because he left his briefcase in the car? When you attend a business conference and the featured speaker is looking at his notes [...]

Memory as a Personal Success Tool2016-10-22T09:07:54+00:00

Increase Your Ability to Remember Names


No matter where I go I get asked to do some kind of memory challenge. It’s all part of being a memory training expert and two-time U.S. Memory Champion. I don’t mind. It’s not only flattering, but it gives me a chance to practice and tune up my skills, and I really get a kick [...]

Increase Your Ability to Remember Names2016-10-22T09:07:06+00:00