remember names

Memory Training To Ace a Military Exam


As a veteran of the U.S. Military myself, and a veteran of Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom 2007), I am passionate about helping those in the military, or thinking about a career in the military, to improve their conditions. One way I can continue to help my fellow veterans and soldiers is to show you how [...]

Memory Training To Ace a Military Exam2016-10-22T09:07:09+00:00

Increase Your Ability to Remember Names


No matter where I go I get asked to do some kind of memory challenge. It’s all part of being a memory training expert and two-time U.S. Memory Champion. I don’t mind. It’s not only flattering, but it gives me a chance to practice and tune up my skills, and I really get a kick [...]

Increase Your Ability to Remember Names2016-10-22T09:07:06+00:00