right brain

Cross-training Your Brain


Are you dominant on the left side of your brain or the right? You may think you know, since left-brain thinkers are more creative while those right-brain thinkers are more analytical, but it is not always clear-cut. In fact, most people are a combination of both, and I would like to help you get the “neglected” side to work for you as well.

Cross-training Your Brain2016-10-22T09:06:20+00:00

How to Cross Train Your Brain


Brain exercises is good for keeping your mental faculty sharp. You should start by sorting the exercises according to which brain hemisphere you're toning. For most people, left-brain functions include logical analysis (reasoning), drawing, conclusions), information sequencing (making lists, organizing thoughts), language and speech, reading and writing, counting and mathematics, and symbol recognition. The right hemisphere gets involved in spatial tasks such as reading maps, staying oriented and finding our way, as well as in artistic and musical abilities, face recognition, depth perception, dreaming, emotional perception and sense of humor. In left-handed people, these hemispheric functions are reversed.

How to Cross Train Your Brain2016-10-22T08:53:06+00:00