
Omega 3 May Improve Test Scores in Children


Omega 3 May Improve Test Scores in Children Venice, FL (PRWEB) August 26, 2011 The study will be conducted by AMBO Foods, makers of the Omega Cookie, and will focus on how omega 3 from broad spectrum fish oil increases the testing scores of pre-collegiate students at The Larsen Learning Center. Also to be studied [...]

Omega 3 May Improve Test Scores in Children2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

Test Prep Can Improve Scores for College Admissions and Scholarships


Many parents listen to college representatives who tell them that they look at each college applicant in a "holistic manner" and that test scores are not a big deal. However, research shows that more than 70% of colleges and universities consider SAT and ACT test scores a significant factor in college admissions. Too many students are rejected from colleges because of low test scores. Many lose out on merit scholarships because their test scores are not high enough.

Test Prep Can Improve Scores for College Admissions and Scholarships2016-10-22T09:06:03+00:00