subliminal learning

Does Subliminal Learning Work?


Back in the 1970s students were told that if they put headphones on and listened to their lessons they would remember them and be able to ace their test the next day. Some people even thought that if they put their textbook under their pillow the lessons would leech into their brains while they were [...]

Does Subliminal Learning Work?2016-10-22T09:22:30+00:00

Subliminal Learning – Does It Work?


For decades we have heard about how elevator music and music in the large department stores are giving out subliminal messages that hypnotize us into purchasing certain items. Can students actually put headphones on when they go to bed and wake up in the morning knowing all the answers? Many have been convinced for years [...]

Subliminal Learning – Does It Work?2016-10-22T09:06:42+00:00