Even though teaching memory techniques is not restricted to college educated people, I, Ron White, memory expert, know the value of continuing education in expanding the brain, as well as becoming more valuable in the job market. I also realize how rough the economy is, and the diminishing opportunities for an education with loss of grants, scholarships and rising tuition.


The National Association for College Admission Counseling surveyed high school counselors and found that 70 percent of them found college-bound students were dropping their dreams of Ivy League and Top Ten universities in favor of state and public universities because of the expense.


“It’s discouraging to hear high school students are deferring their dreams when there is so much they can do to make college more affordable,” said Mark Greenstein, founder and lead instructor of Ivy Bound Test Prep.


There are ways to reduce the cost of a higher education – without taking out high interest rate student loans and mortgaging your home. You don’t have to eliminate your “dream” of graduating from the college you want either. With proper planning, and a student who really wants to put forth the effort, more opportunities will open up.


  • §  Start building your college resumes early. Study hard for your SAT and ACT tests, which make you eligible for more financial aid and merit-based scholarships. According to Greenstein, “Good SAT scores alone can reduce a family’s four-year outlay by more than $ 50,000.” (Tip: studying memory techniques can improve your grades on the entrance exams and college boards.)
  • §  Apply to schools within our state.  As long as you live in the state for one year most colleges find you eligible for residency discounts (check with your school for certain). If you wish to attend school in a neighboring state there may be a “reciprocity” agreement for discounts to students coming from an adjoining state. You can check with the university if you are interested.
  • §  Vie for public rather than private schools. Public school tuition, compared to private universities, amounts to an average of  $25,000 per year in savings.
  • §  Attend a Community or Junior College the first two years.  Community colleges are not solely for those who can’t get accepted in the larger universities. You can still attend your “dream” college the last two years, but save thousands of dollars on the basic courses you will need anyway. Many four-year colleges also offer automatic admission and scholarships to community college students transferring to their school.  (Note: Just make certain that the credits from the community college are then transferable to the university of your choice.)
  • §  Take Advanced Placement Tests. College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) tests allow you to test out and get credit for classes you don’t have to take – saving thousands. There is a small fee to take these tests, but nowhere near what the cost of a class would be.
  • §  Take college classes while still in high school.  Many community colleges are now allowing qualified high school students to take a few classes during their junior or senior year. These classes will give you a step up on incoming students, and shortens the time you need to attend school to get your degree.
  • §  Buy used textbooks. The cost of books is expensive. Get a list of the required textbooks for the class, or ask the student bookstore, and hunt out used textbooks. Most schools have a used textbook or textbook buyback program.
  • §  Take a job on campus. The majority of  schools have personnel offices that find employment for students. These programs are not based on financial need. For upperclassmen there are always opportunities to help with expenses by becoming a resident adviser.


The easiest way to save money on college is to get good grades and do well on our entrance exams. The best way to do this is with a program to help you earn a scholarship. Attending seminars, or taking classes in how to improve study skills, speed-reading, and memory techniques will go a long way in improving your grades, and lowering your cost for college.



Ivy Bound Test Prep -  http://www.ivybound.net

Sallie Mae – Ways to Reduce College Costs: http://www.collegeanswer.com/paying/content/pay_other_alt.jsp

Federal Student Aid – http://studentaid2.ed.gov/getmoney/pay_for_college/cost_35.html