If you normally are a tense and uptight person, trying to get calm can be extremely difficult. Would it help to know that the less fear and stress you put yourself the longer you can prolong your life, and it will help to maintain your mental health and memory as well?

Stress is the number one cause of memory decline, and it contributes to physical illnesses as well as emotional ones. Anxiety is an extreme form of stress. Learning how to de-stress yourself, and become less anxious, can do wonders for your physical and mental outlook.

If may help you to know that anxiety and fear are natural ways of your brain telling your body there is danger. When these anxieties become so extreme that they don’t allow you to live a normal life, then the situation needs immediate intervention.

Anxiety is actually a series of disorders that can be set off by a number of different triggers. People can experience needless worrying, nervousness, unprovoked apprehension and disabling fear. Once this type of anxiety rears its ugly head there is not a whole lot you can do with it until the situation passes.

We normally experience some anxiety before and during a stressful experience, like a big test, a job interview, or waiting to hear the results of a medical exam. The problem lies when these feelings of anxiety occur when there is no reason for them.

Each person reacts differently to different situations, usually based on past experience. When they become so disabling that you are not able to function – like being afraid to leave the house, it becomes a serious condition. Fortunately, there are exercises and techniques you can do that will help to relieve these anxieties, including yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and mindfulness exercises. They have all been proven to help calm a person down and lesson, maybe even eliminate, the anxious feelings.

It is always advisable to get professional help to get to the root of the cause for your anxiety. Taking care of symptoms without addressing the cause usually only puts a band-aid on a wound, and doesn’t help to cure it. Practicing relaxation techniques in the meantime, during an anxiety attack and between doctor visits, will help a great deal.

When you learn more about your anxiety attacks you will realize they come in waves, or have a trigger. Keep a journal of things that happen just before you start to get anxious. This will help you to identify triggers. Then you can prepare yourself by using relaxation techniques to get you through the worst of the attack. As you do this, the attacks will become less frequent and not as intense, and you will be able to get your emotions under control.

Techniques to help relax you:

  • Mindfulness Exercises. By focusing on the present, and freeing yourself from the past and terror of the future, you will learn to calm your anxiety. Taking situations one-step at a time is the key to mindfulness exercises.
  • Breathing Exercises. Breathing patterns change dramatically when you become nervous, anxious or fearful – becoming more erratic and you breathe faster. By learning how to control your breathing you can calm yourself down and slow your heart rate.
  • Yoga Exercises. Yoga takes in breathing techniques and meditation, all of which help you to learn to balance your emotions, control your heart rate, and focus on something positive.


Millions of people suffer from some from anxiety and need a solution. Trying to avoid doctors and help will not cure the problem, but only make it worse. There are medications that can be taken, but the above techniques have no side effects and work wonders. By combing help with these techniques you will be able to have a normal and calm life.



About the author:

Ron White is a two-time U.S.A. Memory Champion and memory training expert. As a memory keynote speaker he travels the world to speak before large groups or small company seminars, demonstrating his memory skills and teaching others how to improve their memory, and how important a good memory is in all phases of your life.



How to Calm Anxiety: http://www.howtocalmanxiety.net/