Monthly Archives: February 2011

Speed Reading Methods From Wikipedia


Commercial speed reading programs Speed reading programs are available through courses, both in person or software based, and manuals. While the average adult reading rate is 250 words per minute with 70% comprehension[3], speed reading programs typically claim that improvements to 500 words per minute or more while maintaining or improving comprehension are possible.

Speed Reading Methods From Wikipedia2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

Speed Reading Methods From Wikipedia


Speed reading is a collection of reading methods which attempt to increase rates of reading without greatly reducing comprehension or retention. Methods include chunking and eliminating subvocalization. No absolute distinct "normal" and "speed-reading" types of reading exist in practice, since all readers use some of the techniques used in speed reading (such as identifying words without focusing on each letter, not sounding out all words, not sub-vocalizing some phrases, or spending less time on some phrases than others, and skimming small sections). Speed reading is characterized by an analysis of trade-offs between measures of speed and comprehension, recognizing that different types of reading call for different speed and comprehension rates, and that those rates may be improved with practice[1]. There are many speed reading training programs available including books, videos, software, and seminars.

Speed Reading Methods From Wikipedia2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

My First Memory Tournament


Ron White memory training expert gives his account on the 2008 USA Memory Championship: What was it like to compete in my first memory tournament? A once in a life time experience :) It was 2008 and my first memory tournament but the story started years before. I don't know exactly when but a few years prior I had seen an online story about something called the USA Memory Championship in New York. I read the amount of numbers that the participants were memorizing in 5 minutes and I was frankly FLOORED! I WAY!

My First Memory Tournament2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

Memory Training In Stress


To perform under pressure or stress is one of the unique qualities of high achievers. Have you ever known someone with so much talent and skill but in crunch time they just couldn't deliver? Then others who seemed to thrive under pressure and stress? What is the secret? The secret is to keep your nerves in check and remain calm.

Memory Training In Stress2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

The Spanish Help for Your Child You Won’t Find at School


Your child wouldn’t need Spanish help if they used the right approach to learning a language. The problem is schools don’t usually include comics and mnemonics in their teaching methods. Maybe it’s time they did. “What’s the most important skill for a beginning Spanish student?” If you ask Jim Sarris, Spanish teacher for 15 years, he’ll say, “The ability to memorize.”

The Spanish Help for Your Child You Won’t Find at School2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity


Ron White memory training expert has created a program on Einstein titled 'How to Develop The Mind of Einstein'. As a student of the life of Einstein Ron White recommends this article with more insight on the genius: Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 8, 2005 One century after Albert Einstein published three of his landmark [...]

100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

Motivation Tool For Pre-teens and Teenagers


AlphaGrade - Motivation Tool For Pre-teens And Teenagers Cupertino, CA (PRWEB) January 15, 2009 AlphaGrade ( introduces a comprehensive web-based tool for parents and guardians to assist children in developing healthy habits to stay on top of school work and home chores by linking allowance to results. Motivating and monitoring the progress of young children [...]

Motivation Tool For Pre-teens and Teenagers2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

New SAT Causes Family Fights


Ron White memory expert recommends this article on the SAT: (PRWEB) March 3, 2005 Top Ten Secrets to reduce stress between parents and college-bound high school students: 1. Parents: Take the SAT Challenge! If parents will take an SAT practice test they will feel some of the same anxiety, cringe at their results, and discover [...]

New SAT Causes Family Fights2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00 Revolutionizes How People Learn on the Web

2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00 allows users to create a page in seconds without having to sign up. Users just click the "create" button, type in their terms, and can then share their page with a friend. The website automatically provides interactive learning modes on content, including flash cards, multiple choice, visual learning diagrams and more. Revolutionizes How People Learn on the Web2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

Brain Mapping Provides Clues to Mental Decline in Elderly


Isn't it amazing that an organ the size of a small cabbage controls all the functions of your body? The brain is an amazing instrument. It controls your heart, your emotions, your muscles, your senses and your memory. In essence, everything that happens within you is controlled by one large muscle, and like all muscles it starts to weaken with age.

Brain Mapping Provides Clues to Mental Decline in Elderly2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00