Monthly Archives: August 2015

Foods that affect your concentration and memory


Everyday we eat foods that affect our ability to concentrate. Here is what not to eat, in hopes that we will not become brain fried.     Foods high in gluten OK, now if your like me, you love anything with bread or carbs in it for that matter. Gluten, found mainly in grain products, [...]

Foods that affect your concentration and memory2016-10-22T09:27:50+00:00

International Space Station HD Earth Viewing


NASA HD Camera on International Space Station Live Streaming HD This is one cool camera! Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream The stream is live and switches between different cameras It's a great way to relax and realize how small we are in the grand scope of things. Analysis of this experiment will be conducted [...]

International Space Station HD Earth Viewing2016-10-22T09:27:50+00:00