Brain Article

Heavy Marijuana Use Proven to Harm Brain Functions


Over the years there has been a running debate among users and non-users of marijuana as to the effects the drug has on the brain. Non-users say it reacts in the body much the same as alcohol abuse, with slower memory and reflexes. Users say there is no change in the brain chemistry or function, [...]

Heavy Marijuana Use Proven to Harm Brain Functions2016-10-22T09:09:05+00:00

Memorization is Repetition


As an adult you go over the same lessons and skills again and again that you did as a child. The more you do an activity the more it remains ingrained in your memory throughout your lifetime. Simple traditions you learned from your grandparents and are now passing on to your children or grandchildren; the [...]

Memorization is Repetition2016-10-22T09:08:40+00:00

Epilepsy and Memory


Epilepsy can be caused by a several different reasons, but the fact is that in most cases doctors can not come up with a definite reason for the seizures. The patient could have been born with a genetic disposition to it, or have suffered brain damage or some kind of serious brain injury. Some types [...]

Epilepsy and Memory2016-10-22T09:08:40+00:00

Retrain the Brain Through Cognitive Rehabilitation


In the world of neuroscience, the word “cognitive” means how you think, reason and perceive the world around you. When the brain is damaged, from a traumatic injury, illness or stroke, often cognitive functions are interrupted and in order for the person to be able to return to some sort of normal life there is [...]

Retrain the Brain Through Cognitive Rehabilitation2016-10-22T09:08:43+00:00

Boost Your Memory With Binaural Beats


It seems the world is getting smaller, but our stress levels are getting higher. We now are not limited to working a regular job schedule, we can take our work home. We are bombarded with requests from social networks to engage ourselves in online interactive games, and we carry devices along with us everywhere that [...]

Boost Your Memory With Binaural Beats2016-10-22T09:08:50+00:00

Early Stages of Parkinson’s Start to Affect Memory


Parkinson's disease involves a loss of brain cells controlling movement. Besides tremors, rigid body and hesitation in walking, slowed speech and sometimes dementia are just some of the symptoms that can worsen over time. There is no cure. The disease affects about 1 million people nationwide, 6 million globally, according to the National Parkinson's Foundation. [...]

Early Stages of Parkinson’s Start to Affect Memory2016-10-22T09:08:46+00:00

What Your Brain Hears


When we are trying to study and remember things we have been told that we should get rid of all background distractions. Noise has been thought of as detrimental to memory and learning. A recent study seems to say that some people actually can benefit from white noise to enhance their memory and improve their [...]

What Your Brain Hears2016-10-22T09:08:35+00:00

Is Meditation Beneficial to the Brain?


How often have you found yourself having an argument with a person when they are not in the room? Do you drive to work and think of things you would like to say to your boss, but know you probably won’t? When you mind wanders, or you are introspective, you tend to focus on negative [...]

Is Meditation Beneficial to the Brain?2016-10-22T09:08:37+00:00

Connecting Brain’s Social Network Through “Rich Club”


There are some amazing stories of survival involving people who have sustained extensive brain damage. The one that comes to mind currently is that of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot directly in the head and not only survived, but has made some amazing strides toward a near-full recovery. Our brains actually can perform [...]

Connecting Brain’s Social Network Through “Rich Club”2016-10-22T09:08:23+00:00