Brain Article

The Importance of Socialization On Your Memory


Two Time USA Memory Champion, Ron White, would like to share information on the importance socialization and interaction with others has on memory. According to a University of Michigan study published in the February 2008 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, just 10 minutes a day talking to another person can improve your memory [...]

The Importance of Socialization On Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:35+00:00

Can Television Have An Impact On Memory?


Memory speaker, Ron White, would like to share information on how television has an effect on the brain and the ability to memorize. Most of us watch television as a way to relax and distress. Many parents are concerned about the effects of television on their children, and if it will stunt their mental development. [...]

Can Television Have An Impact On Memory?2016-10-22T09:06:37+00:00

Risk of Verbal Memory Loss Following Concussion


Hello, I am Ron White, Two Time USA Memory Champion. I would like to share information about brain injuries and what can happen to memory and the ability to memorize following a traumatic head injury. We are into football season, and high school, colleges and pro teams are getting ready to hit the gridiron and [...]

Risk of Verbal Memory Loss Following Concussion2016-10-22T09:06:39+00:00

Mind Gym – Memory Training


Memory speaker, Ron White, would like to share information about a self-help website that offers tips on memory training. There are a few websites online, including this one, that offers practical advice and tips on memory training by allowing anyone to access the information to improve their memory through brain exercises, diet and physical exercise [...]

Mind Gym – Memory Training2016-10-22T09:06:38+00:00

Epigenetics and Brain Development


Hello, I’m Ron White – memory-training expert, memory keynote speaker and two-time US Memory Champion. I’d like to share my thoughts with you on epigenetics and brain development. Epigenetics is the study of our genes – what we inherit from our ancestors (our DNA), and how they can change due to environment and other outside [...]

Epigenetics and Brain Development2016-10-22T09:06:39+00:00

Moderate Drinking May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s, Other Dementias


Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol, especially wine, may lessen the chances of dementia, says the journal Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.  A study with over 365,000 people in 143conducted over the last 35 years detailed a lower risk of brain impairment seen in those who drink alcoholic drinks. On the other hand, over doing it could [...]

Moderate Drinking May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s, Other Dementias2016-10-22T09:06:39+00:00

Techniques To Help Build Your Memory


Two-time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote speaker Ron White shares his thoughts on how to improve your memory. Most people have a hard time remembering abstract information, such as a numbers sequence. This is one of the things that separate those with eidetic memory (total recall) from those with great, but [...]

Techniques To Help Build Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:39+00:00

New AAN Tools Teach Coaches and Athletes How to Spot and Deal With Concussion


Tools intended to reduce the estimated four million US sports concussions experienced each year and to limit the severity of injury that can result from continued play after concussion, The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) introduced new tools for high school coaches, athletes and parents of youths to learn the signs of sports concussion. It [...]

New AAN Tools Teach Coaches and Athletes How to Spot and Deal With Concussion2016-10-22T09:06:33+00:00

Brain Stem Cells Restore Memory


Radiation therapy utilizes high-energy radiation to shrink and kill cancer cells, but it may be doing much damage to the brain. Although radiation therapy has been the standard of care for patients with brain cancer, it can have severe and devastating side effects such functional learning and memory loss that is progressive, debilitating, and adversely [...]

Brain Stem Cells Restore Memory2016-10-22T09:06:33+00:00