Brain Article

Epigentics And Neuroplasticity Control Brain Development Right From The Start


A study published in the journal Neuron, illustrates the effect of environmental inputs (epigentics) on the developing brain’s neuroplasticity. Exposure to just 20 minutes of intensive visual stimulation during development led to enhanced visual acuity and higher sensitivity to finer and smaller visual targets than non-conditioned controls. Employing time-lapse imaging to chart changes in brain [...]

Epigentics And Neuroplasticity Control Brain Development Right From The Start2016-10-22T09:06:32+00:00

Can Meditation Improve Memory?


Two-Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White memory guy shares his thoughts on meditation and its impact on memory. There are recent studies out that link meditation to memory by increasing the size of blood vessels and blood flow to the brain’s cerebral cortex, causing it to thicken. Advanced brain [...]

Can Meditation Improve Memory?2016-10-22T09:06:27+00:00

Brain Test – Personality Profile / Behavorial Profile Tests Impact Relationships


Two Time USA Memory Champion and Ron White Memory Expert shares his thoughts on how personality profile test can reveal secrets to effective communication: I am considered to be an expert on the brain and I find that humbling because...well...I got kicked out of college. Yet, I have received this honorary title not as a [...]

Brain Test – Personality Profile / Behavorial Profile Tests Impact Relationships2016-10-22T09:06:30+00:00

What Can Teachers Do To Improve Study Skills?


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on the value of teachers identifying the different learning styles of students in order for them to improve grades. Discoveries in brain research show our cranium is divided into two hemispheres – the right side is our analytical side, and usually attributed to auditory/sequential learners; while the left is attributed to our creative side and to visual/spatial learners. How we process our information relates to how we function in other areas of our lives. The question is - are our teachers structuring their lesson plans toward only one type of learning group while missing the advantages and potential of the other?

What Can Teachers Do To Improve Study Skills?2016-10-22T09:06:25+00:00

Eight Top Brain Foods


Two Time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on brain foods to increase your memory capacity. The American diet does not exactly help in boosting your brain capacity or how to remember. In fact, it does just the opposite by slowing down the body, adding increased weight, and keeping your mind sluggish. A poor diet not only affects your body, but your mind.

Eight Top Brain Foods2016-10-22T09:06:24+00:00

Proton Therapy More Non-Invasive For Brain Cancer


The brain is your command center. It sends signals to all parts of your body on how to work, how to understand what you see and hear, and stores your memories. So, if damage is done to the brain – through traumatic injury or cancer, the brain is not able to complete the commands. When a person has brain cancer there are several common treatments available: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of both (Avoiding treatment is not recommended). Another alternative, that is not as common and non-invasive, is “Proton Therapy.”

Proton Therapy More Non-Invasive For Brain Cancer2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00

We Can Slow Alzheimer’s Progress


Alzheimer’s is the leading cause of memory loss and dementia in people over 65, and affects over 300,000 people a year. It is devastating for not only the person who is suffering from it – for eventually they will not understand there is a problem, but takes control of everyone around them as they watch the progression from a viable person to a non-functioning one with a terminal illness.

We Can Slow Alzheimer’s Progress2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00

Want a bigger brain? Get up and move!


As people get older the area in the brain called the hippocampus begins to shrink. This shrinkage leads to the development of dementia. A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study found that those who exercise and push themselves away from the television and computer are not only in better physical shape, but their hippocampus also starts to grow – reversing the aging loss and increasing the brain size and memory function to add years to their life.

Want a bigger brain? Get up and move!2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00

Are Binaural Beats Digital Drugs?


Binaural beats, quite simply, are audio sounds that are played at a slightly different tone for each ear (binaural means “both ears”). The two low frequencies synchronize in the brain to form a “beat.” You can produce beats by playing two different pure tones through loudspeakers, but the best way to get the effect is through stereo headphones.. The result is a calming effect that comes over you as you sink deeper into relaxation.

Are Binaural Beats Digital Drugs?2016-10-22T09:06:20+00:00

Trust Your Memory


Two time USA Memory Champion and Memory Training Expert Ron White shares his thoughts on trusting your memory: In learning how to memorize one of the first things that should be learned is the many benefits of trusting your memory. Trusting your memory allows you to move faster and memorize more information quickly. One of the most common things I hear people say is, ‘Oh my memory is TERRIBLE! I can’t remember names! I am a terrible test taker! My memory is getting worse and worse!’ The first element of trusting your memory is STOP SAYING THIS KIND OF STUFF! What you tell yourself about your memory will be programmed into your subconscious and ultimately become your reality. I daily tell myself, ‘My brain operates fast and I find it EASY to remember.’ I am programming myself to TRUST my memory!

Trust Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:15+00:00