brain exercises

Stimulate Your Brain With Origami


A unique craft that many in the Western Hemisphere would not think of as being a “brain game” or way to de-stress is the ancient and traditional Japanese art of origami. The technique of folding paper aids in memory and learning development, as well as a relaxing activity for those who want a way to [...]

Stimulate Your Brain With Origami2016-10-22T09:21:18+00:00

Brain Exercises


Okay, here are 4 brain exercises that I have learned over the last few years. If you think I just made these up you might want to do a Youtube search on 'brain yoga' and you will find some doctors actually talking about how this stuff works! You know I am a HUGE advocate of [...]

Brain Exercises2016-10-22T09:07:37+00:00

Know How to Spot Memory Problems


Speaking with most doctors you will find that one of the most asked questions from patients over thirty involves memory loss. Our brains peak in our late twenties, and after that people with an occasional “It’s right on the tip of my tongue,” or “Have you seen my keys?” begins to make people think there [...]

Know How to Spot Memory Problems2016-10-22T09:07:22+00:00

Brain Exercises That Turn Back the Clock


A survey by the Dana Foundation revealed that nearly seven out of ten adults are worried about memory decline. As a matter of fact, 80% of doctors surveyed said their patients over thirty complain about memory loss. They are beginning to worry they may develop Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. They haven’t quite gotten [...]

Brain Exercises That Turn Back the Clock2016-10-22T09:07:19+00:00

Your Brain on a Treadmill


The best brain exercises you can do for yourself is to get off that couch and work out. You probably haven’t thought of real exercise, where you get on a treadmill or work out at the gym as brain exercises, but you should start now. There are so many risk factors that can wreak havoc [...]

Your Brain on a Treadmill2016-10-22T09:07:06+00:00

The Importance of Socialization On Your Memory


Two Time USA Memory Champion, Ron White, would like to share information on the importance socialization and interaction with others has on memory. According to a University of Michigan study published in the February 2008 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, just 10 minutes a day talking to another person can improve your memory [...]

The Importance of Socialization On Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:35+00:00

How to Cross Train Your Brain


Brain exercises is good for keeping your mental faculty sharp. You should start by sorting the exercises according to which brain hemisphere you're toning. For most people, left-brain functions include logical analysis (reasoning), drawing, conclusions), information sequencing (making lists, organizing thoughts), language and speech, reading and writing, counting and mathematics, and symbol recognition. The right hemisphere gets involved in spatial tasks such as reading maps, staying oriented and finding our way, as well as in artistic and musical abilities, face recognition, depth perception, dreaming, emotional perception and sense of humor. In left-handed people, these hemispheric functions are reversed.

How to Cross Train Your Brain2016-10-22T08:53:06+00:00

Train in stress


The worst enemy to your memory or one of the worst is stress. When you are stressed you will not be able to focus and a lack of focus will kill your memory. When I trained for the USA Memory Championship I hired a former US Navy SEAL, TC Cummings. TC taught me a quote he learned in the SEALs, ‘the more you sweat in times of peace the less you bleed in times of war.'

Train in stress2016-10-22T08:52:56+00:00