improve your memory

Improve Your Memory with Images and Association


People tend to remember things they are motivated to remember. If you want to pass that history test bad enough you will study for it and find ways that will help you to remember. You don’t have to be a memory expert to learn how to remember more, you simply have to have the desire [...]

Improve Your Memory with Images and Association2016-10-22T09:09:30+00:00

Poor Memory Is Not Inevitable As We Age


More than two-thirds of people over the age of 65 say they have trouble remembering details and learning new things. Many felt that getting old meant getting “senile” and forgetting was just a natural part of that. Are you having problems remembering things? Are you are afraid you may be developing Alzheimer’s or are losing [...]

Poor Memory Is Not Inevitable As We Age2016-10-22T09:07:06+00:00

Improve Your Memory With These 10 Easy Tips


It takes much less time and energy than you may think to improve your memory. The main key is to use your imagination, focus on what you are trying to accomplish and follow through. Your mind is capable of all sorts of diverse activities. It is constantly on, there is no ‘turn-off’ switch. In just [...]

Improve Your Memory With These 10 Easy Tips2016-10-22T09:06:53+00:00

You Hear Me – But Are You Listening?


Improving and training a person’s memory can be a professional, as well as personal, relationship builder. I is also as a fantastic confidence builder. How often have you been assigned a job and put it aside, only to completely forget it? How often have you forgotten your spouse’s birthday or your anniversary? Improving your memory [...]

You Hear Me – But Are You Listening?2016-10-22T09:06:48+00:00

Techniques To Help Build Your Memory


Two-time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote speaker Ron White shares his thoughts on how to improve your memory. Most people have a hard time remembering abstract information, such as a numbers sequence. This is one of the things that separate those with eidetic memory (total recall) from those with great, but [...]

Techniques To Help Build Your Memory2016-10-22T09:06:39+00:00

How to Remember Directions


Two time USA Memory Champion and memory speaker Ron White (also known as the memory guy or America's memory expert) shares with you his technique for memorizing directions. So there you are. You pull into a gas station to ask for directions. (That is if you are a woman or if you are a man [...]

How to Remember Directions2016-10-22T09:06:32+00:00

Time Magazine Covers USA Memory Championship


Two time USA Memory Champion and Ron White Memory Expert talks about the video he was a part of for TIME.COM in their coverage of the 2011 USA Memory Championship: It was such fun to be a part of the 2011 USA Memory Championship. Now, true the result of the tournament wasn't the one I [...]

Time Magazine Covers USA Memory Championship2016-10-22T09:06:30+00:00

What Learning Style Is Best For Good Grades?


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on the value of visual learning for memory improvement. Discoveries in brain research show our brain is divided into two hemispheres. The right side is our analytical side, and usually attributed to auditory/sequential learners. The left hemisphere is attributed to our creative side, and visual/spatial learners are seen as having more processing going on with this side of the brain.

What Learning Style Is Best For Good Grades?2016-10-22T09:06:26+00:00

The Amazing Super Brain Food – Omega 3


Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert, and memory keynote – Ron White, shares his thoughts on the amazing benefits of Omega-3. We all have moments of short-term memory loss, like when we forget where we put our car keys, or forgot to pick up something at the store. Those bouts are pesky, but normal occurrences. For those who suffer from more frequent “Senior Moments” this is a growing concern. Is there a simple memory improvement pill or something that will help you? Memory loss can come from a variety of different things – like diabetes, dehydration, illness, low iron and calcium levels, and heart problems that restrict flow of oxygen to the brain. There is also the onset of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, that will inhibit the body’s memory system.

The Amazing Super Brain Food – Omega 32016-10-22T09:06:25+00:00

Method of Loci Memory Journey Construction


Two Time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert and memory speaker Ron White gives insight on how to build more memory training files: This article has to do with how to build more memory training files using the method of loci. If you have not read my post on the method of loci or [...]

Method of Loci Memory Journey Construction2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00