improving your memory

What makes an exercise Neurobic?


To begin with, not everything that's novel or new provides the kind or strength of nerve cell stimulation that is necessary to activate new brain circuits and enhance neurotrophin production. For example, if you normally write with a pen and one day choose to write everything in pencil, you've broken your routine and are doing something new. So, in some small way, you've changed the patterns of activity in the parts of your brain activated by touching. But such a small change wouldn't recruit new sensory associations important enough to engage the circuitry required to really exercise your brain.

What makes an exercise Neurobic?2016-10-22T08:52:55+00:00

Foods that help your memory


Your brain is like any other part of your body, the better that you treat it through good nutrition and exercise the better that it will work for you. The months prior to a memory tournament I want to prepare my body and brain to be in top shape, because they work in tandem.

Foods that help your memory2016-10-22T08:52:55+00:00