memory keynote

Music Feeds Your Soul – And Builds Your Brain


Considerable research is available, done by archeologists, psychologists, neurogists and all sorts of “ists” to support that fact that music plays a key role in our lives and our ability to communicate. Many believe that the ability to communicate through music came before the ability to communicate through speech. Language and music share the same [...]

Music Feeds Your Soul – And Builds Your Brain2016-10-22T09:07:04+00:00

Mediterranean Diet Has The Right Balance To Fight Off Dementia


There is no way to avoid aging, but we can find ways to stop our brains from showing the effects. What scientists call “age-related cognitive decline (ARCD)” is a mild deterioration in our memory, the loss of ability to perform simple daily tasks, and the slowing down of our mental process. Causes of this decline [...]

Mediterranean Diet Has The Right Balance To Fight Off Dementia2016-10-22T09:07:08+00:00

Learn A New Language


In school, teachers usually teach the “phonebook” method of learning a language. With this memory technique you were given a list of vocabulary words to memorize, along with their meaning. The object is to repeat the word so often it will “stick” in your memory, and then you can move on to another word. This [...]

Learn A New Language2016-10-22T09:07:28+00:00

Is Your Brain the Only Place Memories Are Stored?


Fiction writers have been injecting cell memory plots into their stories long before transplants were even done. Austrian director Maurice Renard's introduced the idea in his silent film in 1924 titled, Les Mains d'Orlac, where a pianist lost his hands and they were replaced with the hands of a killer. The pianist then became a [...]

Is Your Brain the Only Place Memories Are Stored?2016-10-22T09:06:57+00:00

Increase Your Ability to Remember Names


No matter where I go I get asked to do some kind of memory challenge. It’s all part of being a memory training expert and two-time U.S. Memory Champion. I don’t mind. It’s not only flattering, but it gives me a chance to practice and tune up my skills, and I really get a kick [...]

Increase Your Ability to Remember Names2016-10-22T09:07:06+00:00

Fundamentals of Leadership – As Taught By A Navy SEAL


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory-training expert and Ron White memory guy shares fundamentals of leadership from TC Cummings Mind of a US Navy SEAL program “Virtually every company will be going out and empowering their workers with a certain set of tools, and the big difference in how much value is received from that will [...]

Fundamentals of Leadership – As Taught By A Navy SEAL2016-10-22T09:06:29+00:00

Foods That Have A Negative Effect on Your Brain


There are several foods classified as brain foods that enhance your brain performance. They increase the blood flow to the brain and provide nutritional value. On the other side of the spectrum, there are foods that have a negative effect on your brain. Bad food provides little to no nutritional value, and decrease, if not [...]

Foods That Have A Negative Effect on Your Brain2016-10-22T09:07:00+00:00

Emotion and Violence Help Memory Retention


A recent study, conducted by Pacific Union College, tried to compare the effects of both violence and humor in television and how people are able to recall the product names in commercials throughout the show. We have always known that if you want to improve your memory with memory training you should make the images [...]

Emotion and Violence Help Memory Retention2016-10-22T09:07:13+00:00

Do You Believe Rumors You Hear Repeated Over and Over?


We judge things to be true based on how often we hear them. We like familiarity, and repeating a lie often enough makes it familiar to us - the repetition making it fall right in with all of the things our memory tells us are true about the world. Politicians and advertisers are aware of [...]

Do You Believe Rumors You Hear Repeated Over and Over?2016-10-22T09:07:03+00:00

Depression and Short-Term Memory


Depression is a very misunderstood mental condition, and can have devastating effects on the victim and those around them, if gone untreated. Depressed people lose their ability to concentrate. They have difficulty remembering new information, and research has shown that depressed people only remember negative memories, which leads them to prolong their depression. It also [...]

Depression and Short-Term Memory2016-10-22T09:07:59+00:00