
Want a bigger brain? Get up and move!


As people get older the area in the brain called the hippocampus begins to shrink. This shrinkage leads to the development of dementia. A Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study found that those who exercise and push themselves away from the television and computer are not only in better physical shape, but their hippocampus also starts to grow – reversing the aging loss and increasing the brain size and memory function to add years to their life.

Want a bigger brain? Get up and move!2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00

Cross-training Your Brain


Are you dominant on the left side of your brain or the right? You may think you know, since left-brain thinkers are more creative while those right-brain thinkers are more analytical, but it is not always clear-cut. In fact, most people are a combination of both, and I would like to help you get the “neglected” side to work for you as well.

Cross-training Your Brain2016-10-22T09:06:20+00:00

Don’t Miss Out On Vacation While Preparing For College Admissions


Getting into college has become more and more competitive. In order to get a leg up you need to be prepared. There are college admission tests, the SAT, ACT and scholarship applications to complete. Any student willing to go that extra mile to learn how to get a better grade on the tests, and understand what is expected in the applications, will have an advantage over the rest of the pack trying to get into college.

Don’t Miss Out On Vacation While Preparing For College Admissions2016-10-22T09:06:20+00:00

11 year old uses Ron White’s Memory Program to Name Classmates


11 year old uses Ron White of memory program to name much of an 95 person class in Las Colinas, Texas. He had 15 minutes to learn all these names. What a great proof that Ron White's Memory program work. Ron White is the National Memory Champion and Memory Keynote speaker training around the world.

11 year old uses Ron White’s Memory Program to Name Classmates2016-10-22T09:06:10+00:00

Study of Sleep Deprivation Identifies Genes That Hinder Memory


Study of Sleep Deprivation Identifies Genes That Hinder Memory Most people experience occasional sleep deprivation and recognize its impact on their mood and behavior, but there is little scientific understanding of how sleep loss actually affects brain function, especially memory and other cognitive functions. New research published in Frontiers in Neuroscience sheds new light on this problem.

Study of Sleep Deprivation Identifies Genes That Hinder Memory2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Blood Test Helps Predict Memory Loss Risk… Cognitive Reserve Helps Reduce That Risk.


Ron White memory expert recommends this article : Determining your risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is almost impossible, especially if you are living a ‘memory-fitness friendly’ lifestyle and are under the age of 55. The Alzheimer’s association suggests that as many as one in eight baby boomers who reach age 55 will develop Alzheimer’s disease [...]

Blood Test Helps Predict Memory Loss Risk… Cognitive Reserve Helps Reduce That Risk.2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Memory Loss in Adults Connected to Metabolic Disorders


Metabolic Disorders, like diabetes, occur when your body is not able to break down and absorb the food you eat. Since food is your body’s fuel, and what you eat affects how your entire body functions, a disruption in the fuel absorption also hinders how your brain functions, and why you will lose your memory.

Memory Loss in Adults Connected to Metabolic Disorders2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Improve Your Memory through Physical Exercise


Ron White memory training expert recommends this article: We all know that physical exercise builds muscle and improves our overall health and well being. Now it seems that it can also increase brain size leading to improvements in memory, especially in older adults. As adults age an area of the brain called the hippocampus shrinks [...]

Improve Your Memory through Physical Exercise2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00

Heart Disease Related To Age-Related Mental Decline


As the brain ages, it begins to shrink (atrophy) and has less volume. A decrease in volume is considered a sign of brain aging. In patients with dementia, or the most common form – Alzheimer’s disease, there was significant proof of more severe decrease in brain volume. The body size is directly proportionate to the volume of the brain, the more body fat the lesser the volume. That link was also observed by the researchers in participants who did not have any sign of heart failure or coronary heart disease.

Heart Disease Related To Age-Related Mental Decline2016-10-22T09:06:05+00:00