speed reading

Comprehension Building Through Different Methods of Speed-Reading


Depending on the subject manner, we read things at different speeds and for different reasons. For instance, if we were reading a novel we would take our time, relax and enjoy every minute of the drama, suspense and character development. If we were reading a technical manual we would take our time and probably go [...]

Comprehension Building Through Different Methods of Speed-Reading2016-10-22T09:09:26+00:00

Speed Reading – Breaking Old Habits


Unlike other skills we seem to have mastered as we grew up, reading and comprehension seem to be something we take for granted. If we read at normal speeds of around 120 words a minute with good comprehension we think that is enough. Think about it though, how many times have you read something and [...]

Speed Reading – Breaking Old Habits2016-10-22T09:07:06+00:00

How to Speed Read


I have been teaching memory training seminars for a long time! In the first few years of teaching people would always ask me, 'Do you teach speed reading as well?' I would tell them that I was a memory speaker and not a speed reading expert they are distinctly two skills. Then a few years [...]

How to Speed Read2016-10-22T09:07:05+00:00

Improve Your Study Skills And College Won’t Be So Hard


Ron White memory guy and two-time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory speaker shares with you some thoughts on attaining better grades in college: Students often want to know what skill will need to improve grades. After consulting with a lot of experts and teachers, and through building my memory training workshops, I [...]

Improve Your Study Skills And College Won’t Be So Hard2016-10-22T09:06:27+00:00

Speed Reading Tip from Ron White


Two time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert Ron White memory guy shares a tip on speed reading - I just completed teaching my 2 Day Brain Athlete seminar in Singapore and a portion of the two days was devoted to speed reading techniques. The group really enjoyed the material and a few people [...]

Speed Reading Tip from Ron White2016-10-22T09:06:32+00:00

Process More Input Speed Reading


Two-Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote, Ron White, has taught Speed Reading in his courses and believes everyone can benefit from learning the technique. Speed-reading is not just for nerds. Anyone can learn it. People who read things without really understanding what they read waste a great deal of time. By skimming over a page or newspaper, and only stopping to read something that catches the eye, you have to admit - you miss a lot!

Process More Input Speed Reading2016-10-22T09:06:25+00:00

Basic Speed Reading Exercises


Two Time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on speed reading exercises. As part of my Memory Exercises and Speed Reading Program I would like to offer a couple useful exercises to get you started and improve your reading speed. As children we learned how to read a certain way, and over the years we have continued to use the same methods. In other words, even though we have substantially increased our vocabularies we have not advanced our reading methods beyond the second grade! We are all creatures of habit. When we are comfortable with something we don’t like to move outside our comfort zone unless we are forced to. With our lives moving along on the “information highway” we need to make room in our time to take it all in, and this is where Speed Reading comes in.

Basic Speed Reading Exercises2016-10-22T09:06:24+00:00

Speed Reading Will Benefit Your Comprehension


Two Time USA Memory Champion and memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White has taught Speed Reading in his course, and believes that anyone can learn to read faster and comprehend more. While speed reading is advantageous for most people to save time and get more reading done, is also improves your ability to process information at an astonishing rate – and that means retaining what they learn, as well as enhance how to memorize anything they read.

Speed Reading Will Benefit Your Comprehension2016-10-22T09:06:24+00:00

Building Comprehension with Speed Reading


Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on how every learner should develop the comprehension skills speed reading enhances to become a more efficient reader. When we read we use different methods for different subject matter. For instance, when we read a geometry book we read at a slower rate that we would if we were reading the bulleting board. Because the material is more technical you want to soak in the information and sometimes that requires going back over it again. With the bulletin board you read over the notes quickly until something catches your eye that you may want to write down or remember. In both cases you are trying to comprehend what you are reading, just in a different way and at a different speed.

Building Comprehension with Speed Reading2016-10-22T09:06:24+00:00

Basic Speed Reading Exercises


As children we learned how to read a certain way, and over the years we have continued to use the same methods. In other words, even though we have substantially increased our vocabularies we have not advanced our reading methods beyond the second grade! We are all creatures of habit. When we are comfortable with something we don’t like to move outside our comfort zone unless we are forced to. With our lives moving along on the “information highway” we need to make room in our time to take it all in, and this is where Speed Reading comes in.

Basic Speed Reading Exercises2016-10-22T09:06:23+00:00