Brain Foods

Proper Nutrients Are Essential To Mental Health


Dr. Terry Wahls was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and it took her on a journey to finding the reasons the brain shrinks with this disease, and what she could do to stop the progression of her disease. What she found was that there was similar shrinkage of the brain for those who have Huntington’s disease, [...]

Proper Nutrients Are Essential To Mental Health2016-10-22T09:21:22+00:00

Potassium Protects Your Brain Cells


One of the three most important minerals you can have in your body is potassium. It is important for the proper functioning of nearly every cell in your body, and without it we won’t be able to function, and will die. It is important, therefore, that we make sure to have enough potassium in our [...]

Potassium Protects Your Brain Cells2016-10-22T09:07:42+00:00

Nuts To You, My Friend!


What are the best brain foods?You have heard of the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in improving your physical and mental health. Well now you are going to learn that walnuts have been found to be an excellent source of Omega-3, a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Research has found the chemicals in walnuts [...]

Nuts To You, My Friend!2016-10-22T09:22:30+00:00

No More Memory Loss ? Champion Brain Food


Ron White the National Memory Champion is a big proponent of Omega 3. Enjoy this articles explanation... If you suffer from memory loss or attention deficit, there may be a simple and natural solution to provide your brain with the food it needs to reverse these affects and to put you on the road to remembering items that seem to have escaped your thoughts the past few years.

No More Memory Loss ? Champion Brain Food2016-10-22T08:53:07+00:00

Nature’s Fountain of Youth – Olive Oil


Researchers have found that diets high in olive oil, like the Mediterranean Diet, are healthier for you than most other diets. People living in the Mediterranean Sea area have diets high in omega-3 fish oil and olive oil, both work to unclog arteries of unwanted plaque and boost brainpower. Olive oil, high in mono-saturated fat, [...]

Nature’s Fountain of Youth – Olive Oil2016-10-22T09:08:26+00:00

Moderate Alcohol Consumption Increases Life, but Not Memory


I recently read this quote: “If recreational drugs were tools, alcohol would be a sledgehammer.” There are very few cognitive functions or types of behavior that escape the influence of alcohol, and that doesn’t just mean due to total inebriation but only after one or two drinks. As the dose increases, so does the proportion [...]

Moderate Alcohol Consumption Increases Life, but Not Memory2016-10-22T09:09:29+00:00

Mercury Poisoning Found to Cause Learning Disabilities


When your body is exposed to mercury, either through the air you breathe or through the food you eat, you body has to be able to eliminate it or it builds up and become toxic. The main target of this toxicity is the brain. Children especially are at high risk of developing learning disabilities, including [...]

Mercury Poisoning Found to Cause Learning Disabilities2016-10-22T09:09:14+00:00

Mediterranean Diet Has The Right Balance To Fight Off Dementia


There is no way to avoid aging, but we can find ways to stop our brains from showing the effects. What scientists call “age-related cognitive decline (ARCD)” is a mild deterioration in our memory, the loss of ability to perform simple daily tasks, and the slowing down of our mental process. Causes of this decline [...]

Mediterranean Diet Has The Right Balance To Fight Off Dementia2016-10-22T09:07:08+00:00

Kick Back With Another Cup of Joe


Each year more than 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world. What impact does it have on our health? Caffeine has been shown to change the chemistry of the brain, including activating the pleasure centers and injecting more adrenaline into your system to make you more active and alert. Research suggests it [...]

Kick Back With Another Cup of Joe2016-10-22T09:08:48+00:00

Is Oatmeal Good For Your Brain


Eating breakfast is good for you. That is undisputed. Breakfast provides the fuel to start your day. It helps kids learn, and it helps adults function at work. What you eat lays the groundwork for the rest of the day. After fasting all night, a developing body (and brain) needs a fresh supply of glucose [...]

Is Oatmeal Good For Your Brain2016-10-22T09:23:35+00:00