
Neocortex, and not Hippocampus, May Form Memories


For decades scientists have theorized that memories are formed in the hippocampus and then move to the neocortex for long-term storage. They believe this process takes place as we sleep. This concept has been researched recently by a study conducted by Brown University and previously thought theories have been dispelled. Lead neuroscientist, Mayank Mehta working [...]

Neocortex, and not Hippocampus, May Form Memories2016-10-22T09:06:56+00:00

What Can Teachers Do To Improve Study Skills?


Two-Time USA Memory Champion; memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White shares his thoughts on the value of teachers identifying the different learning styles of students in order for them to improve grades. Discoveries in brain research show our cranium is divided into two hemispheres – the right side is our analytical side, and usually attributed to auditory/sequential learners; while the left is attributed to our creative side and to visual/spatial learners. How we process our information relates to how we function in other areas of our lives. The question is - are our teachers structuring their lesson plans toward only one type of learning group while missing the advantages and potential of the other?

What Can Teachers Do To Improve Study Skills?2016-10-22T09:06:25+00:00

Set Your Sites On The Target


Two Time USA Memory Champion, memory training expert and memory keynote Ron White would like to share with you some of the things I learned while training for the U.S. Memory Championship, and is now available in my memory training seminars. It was an awesome pleasure to work with my friend, Former U.S. Navy Seal T. C. Cummings, the founder of “Noble Warrior Training,” as he coached me on how to “Think Like a Seal.”

Set Your Sites On The Target2016-10-22T09:06:24+00:00

How to memorize the Presidents of the USA


Have you ever wonder how to memorize the presidents of the USA? Memory training expert Ron White shares his story of teaching the cutest 6 year old girl how to memorize: I have been teaching people to memorize the presidents of the USA since there was only 42 Presidents! That doesn't sound like a long time ago since today there is 44 Presidents. However, that was almost 20 years ago!

How to memorize the Presidents of the USA2016-10-22T09:06:08+00:00

My First Memory Tournament


Ron White memory training expert gives his account on the 2008 USA Memory Championship: What was it like to compete in my first memory tournament? A once in a life time experience :) It was 2008 and my first memory tournament but the story started years before. I don't know exactly when but a few years prior I had seen an online story about something called the USA Memory Championship in New York. I read the amount of numbers that the participants were memorizing in 5 minutes and I was frankly FLOORED! I WAY!

My First Memory Tournament2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

Memory Training In Stress


To perform under pressure or stress is one of the unique qualities of high achievers. Have you ever known someone with so much talent and skill but in crunch time they just couldn't deliver? Then others who seemed to thrive under pressure and stress? What is the secret? The secret is to keep your nerves in check and remain calm.

Memory Training In Stress2016-10-22T09:06:06+00:00

BrainAthlete Radio with Jeff Cockrell of Dale Carnegie


BrainAthlete Radio is all about increasing your business through sales tools and keys to keeping up in the information age.  Jeff Cockrell is a Premier Trainer with Dale Carnegie Training.  Jeff shared several keys to increasing you sales in 2011 with the process they teach at Dale Carnegie.

BrainAthlete Radio with Jeff Cockrell of Dale Carnegie2016-10-22T09:06:04+00:00

Zig Ziglar – How to Memorize Book – Giveaway


We are very excited to bring you this VALUABLE book on How to Memorize Everything!!

Ron White is the 2 time USA Memory Champion and currently holds the record for the fastest to memorize a deck of cards in the USA. To check out his brain in action on The CBS Early Show watch this video

Zig Ziglar – How to Memorize Book – Giveaway2016-10-22T08:53:08+00:00

No More Memory Loss ? Champion Brain Food


Ron White the National Memory Champion is a big proponent of Omega 3. Enjoy this articles explanation... If you suffer from memory loss or attention deficit, there may be a simple and natural solution to provide your brain with the food it needs to reverse these affects and to put you on the road to remembering items that seem to have escaped your thoughts the past few years.

No More Memory Loss ? Champion Brain Food2016-10-22T08:53:07+00:00

Can a young kid learn memory training?


A young boy named Jacob wanted my Nintendo and I told him that I couldn’t just give it to him that he had to earn it. I suggested he earn it by memorizing all the presidents of the USA. He shrugged his shoulders and say, ‘nevermind.’ I say, ‘Jacob, I can teach you how to do this.’ We spent the next hour or so memorizing the presidents using pieces of furniture in his home. He was shocked he could do it and elated to have the Nintendo.

Can a young kid learn memory training?2016-10-22T08:53:05+00:00